@ViewIconUrl (JavaScript)

Returns the relative path to a view icon.

Defined in

@Functions (Extension Library)


@ViewIconUrl(icon:int) : string
Table 1. Parameters
Parameter Description
icon:int The number of the icon. If there is no corresponding icon, 999 is used.
Table 2. Return value
Value Description
string The path to the icon.


For a view column that displays icons by an identifying number:
  • The icons are in domino\icons under the Domino® or Notes® data directory. In XPages, this directory can be accessed with the URL /.ibmxspres/domino/icons.
  • The icons are named vwicn001.gif, vwicn002.gif, and so on.


Here an image control displays the view icon /.ibmxspres/domino/icons/vwicn002.gif.
<xp:image url="#{javascript:@ViewIconUrl(2)}" id="image2" alt="folder icon"></xp:image>