@DbColumn (JavaScript)

Returns the values of a view column.

Defined in

@Functions (JavaScript)


@DbColumn(dbName:string, viewName:string, colNumber:int) : any
Parameter Description
dbName An array of two elements where the first element is the name of the server, and the second element is the name of the database. You can use empty quotes for the current server. For the current database, you can use empty quotes instead of the array, or you can use an array with empty quotes for each element.
viewName Name of a view in the database.
colNumber Number of a column in the view starting at 1.
Return value Description
any An array containing the column values.


The following example is the data binding formula for a list box. It displays column 1 of the All view of foo.nsf.
var dbname = new Array("", "foo.nsf");
@DbColumn(dbname, "All", 1)

The previous example could be written as follows if foo.nsf is the current database.

@DbColumn("", "All", 1)