resetUserPassword (NotesSession - JavaScript)

Sets the password and download count associated with a user's ID file stored in the ID vault. This password is required by the user to recover an ID file from the ID vault.

Defined in



resetUserPassword(servername:string, username:string, password:string) : boolean

resetUserPassword(servername:string, username:string, password:string, downloadcount:int) : boolean

Parameter Description
servername Name of server being contacted to request the password reset, in canonical format, or null if this method is executed from a program or agent on the server. The server does not have to be a vault server. The server must be running Domino® 8.5 or later.
username Name of user whose vault ID file password is being set.
password New password to set in the vault record for the username's vault ID file password. Specify null to reset the download count without changing the password.
downloadcount Optional. If this user's effective policy setting document has "allow automatic ID downloads" set to no, this parameter specifies how many downloads the user can now perform. If downloads are automatic, this setting should be zero.
Return value Description
  • true if the password is set
  • false otherwise


This method resets the password and download count on an ID file stored in the ID Vault. This method can be used to set both the password and download count. To set only the password, omit the download parameter. To set only the download count, specify null for the password parameter.