appendDocLink (NotesRichTextItem - JavaScript)

Adds a doclink to a rich text item.

Defined in



appendDocLink(doc:NotesDocument) : void

appendDocLink(doc:NotesDocument, comment:string) : void

appendDocLink(doc:NotesDocument, comment:string, hotspottext:string) : void

appendDocLink(db:NotesDatabase) : void

appendDocLink(db:NotesDatabase, comment:string) : void

appendDocLink(db:NotesDatabase, comment:string, hotspottext:string) : void

appendDocLink(vw:NotesView) : void

appendDocLink(vw:NotesView, comment:string) : void

appendDocLink(vw:NotesView, comment:string, hotspottext:string) : void

Parameter Description
doc The document to which you want to link.
db The database to which you want to link.
vw The view to which you want to link.
comment The text that appears when a user presses and holds the mouse over the link.
hotspottext Boxed text which the user clicks to follow the link. This text appears in place of a token.


By default the insertion occurs at the end of the item. You can change the insertion point with beginInsert and endInsert.