getNextDocument (NotesDocumentCollection - JavaScript)

Gets the document immediately following the current document or a specified document in a collection.

Defined in



getNextDocument() : NotesDocument

getNextDocument(doc:NotesDocument) : NotesDocument

Parameter Description
doc Any document in the collection. Cannot be null.
Return value Description
NotesDocument If no parameter, the document following the current document. If a parameter, the document following the specified document. If there is no next document, returns null.


The preferred loop structure is getFirstDocument() followed by getNextDocument() until it returns null. For performance reasons, you should avoid using getNthDocument(n:int) and getNextDocument(doc:NotesDocument) in a loop.

Getting documents in a loop quickly depletes dynamic memory. To avoid memory problems, recycle the NotesDocument object on each iteration with a sequence similar to this: var tmpdoc = getNextDocument(); doc.recycle(); doc = tmpdoc.


This button gets all the documents in the current database.
var dc:NotesDocumentCollection = database.getAllDocuments();
var doc:NotesDocument = dc.getFirstDocument();
while (doc != null) {
	requestScope.status += "\n" + doc.getItemValueString("subject");
	var tmpdoc:NotesDocument = dc.getNextDocument();
	doc = tmpdoc;
This button gets the second document in the current database.
var dc:NotesDocumentCollection = database.getAllDocuments();
if (dc.getCount() > 1) {
	var doc:NotesDocument = dc.getNextDocument(dc.getFirstDocument());
	requestScope.status = doc.getItemValueString("subject");