view (Domino DTD)

Represents a view as a named design element.

Containment Hierarchy

Contained by: %design.elements;,;

Contains:;, <globals>, <code>, <actionbar>, <column>, <viewbackground>, %note.epilog;


<!ELEMENT view (; , globals? , code* , actionbar? , column* , viewbackground? , %note.epilog; )>

Content; , globals? , code* , actionbar? , column* , viewbackground? , %note.epilog

Contains any number of the contents of the; entity, an optional <globals> element, any number of <code> elements, followed by an optional <actionbar> element, any number of <column> elements, followed by an optional <viewbackground> element, and any number of the contents of the %note.epilog; entity.


<!ATTLIST view


Boolean. If true, represents the default view that is created when you create a database using a Blank template. This view has no explicit formatting information.
