ToolsCategorize @Command (Formula Language)
Categorizes the current document.
@Command( [ToolsCategorize] )
@Command( [ToolsCategorize] ; category )
Text. Optional. The name of the category you want to put the document in. You can only list a single category name.
- If you include category, the selected documents are moved
to that category. If you don't include category, Notes/Domino
displays the Categorize dialog box so the user can select a category.
- In a view, all selected documents are categorized.
- In a document in Read or Edit mode, only that document is categorized.
- The current view must be a categorized view where the first categorized column sorts on a field named "categories"
This command does not work on the Web.
- This formula displays the Categorize dialog box.
- This formula moves the selected documents to the "Weekly Status
Report" category.
@Command([ToolsCategorize]; "Weekly Status Reports")