Examples: PickListStrings method

  1. This example displays the resources dialog box and allows the user to select one resource. A message box shows the user's selection.
    Sub Click(Source As Button)
      Dim workspace As New NotesUIWorkspace
      Dim picklist As Variant
      Dim messagelist As String
      picklist = workspace.PickListStrings( PICKLIST_RESOURCES )
      If ( Isempty( picklist ) ) Then 
        Messagebox "Canceled" , , "Resource selected"
        Forall plist In picklist
          messagelist = messagelist & plist & Chr(10)
        End Forall
        Messagebox messagelist  , , "Resource selected"
      End If
    End Sub
  2. This example displays a custom dialog box showing only the documents that appear under the Procedures category in the By Category view of a database. The user may select multiple documents. The text from column 4 is displayed.
    Sub Click(Source As Button)
      Dim workspace As New NotesUIWorkspace
      Dim picklist As Variant
      Dim messagelist As String
      picklist = workspace.PickListStrings( _
      True, _
      "snapper", _
      "ProgWork2", _
      "By Category", _
      "Document picker", _
      "Please select some documents.", _
      4, _
      "Procedures" ) 
      Forall plist In picklist
        messagelist = messagelist & plist & Chr(10)
      End Forall
      Messagebox messagelist
    End Sub