Examples: OnSubmit event

  1. This OnSubmit event discontinues the save operation and moves the insertion point to the Title field if the Title field is empty.
    Sub Onsubmit(Source As Notesuidocument, _
    Continue As Variant)
      If Source.FieldGetText("Title") = "" Then
        Messagebox "You must enter a title",, "No title"
        Call Source.GotoField("Title")
        Continue = False
      End If
    End Sub
  2. This OnSubmit event updates the ProjectStatus field depending on the difference between the current date and the date in the DueDate field.
    Sub Onsubmit(Source As Notesuidocument, _
    Continue As Variant)
      Dim todayDT As NotesDateTime
      Dim dueDT As NotesDateTime
      Dim daysLeft As Long
      Dim status As String
      Call Source.Refresh
      Set todayDT = New NotesDateTime("Today")
      Set dueDT = New NotesDateTime _
      daysLeft = dueDT.TimeDifference(todayDT) / 86400
      Select Case daysLeft
      Case 1, 2, 3
        status = "Urgent"
      Case 4, 5, 6
        status = "Hurry up"
      Case Else
        status = "No worries"
      End Select
      Call Source.FieldSetText("ProjectStatus", status)
    End Sub