Examples: CertificateAuthorityOrg property
This example submits a request to rename the Notes® user John Good to John Goode. The organization name "\casco" that is supplied is specified in the same format used to display it in the list of CA configured certifiers. The available CAs display in a drop-down list in the Administrator client when you select Certify from the Configuration tab, then choose Use the CA Process from the Choose a Certifier dialog box.
Sub Initialize
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim adminp As NotesAdministrationProcess
Set adminp = _
adminp.CertificateAuthorityOrg = "\casco"
adminp.UseCertificateAuthority = True
noteID$ = adminp.RenameNotesUser("CN=John Good/O=casco", _
Messagebox noteID$, , "Renaming request has been submitted"
End Sub