Examining and adjusting an access control list

You examine and adjust the access control list (ACL) of a database through objects of the following classes:





ACL property

Access a NotesACL object

CurrentAccessLevel property

Determine the current user access level

GrantAccess, RevokeAccess, QueryAccess, QueryAccessPrivileges, and QueryAccessRoles methods

Directly create, remove, and check ACL entries


GetEntry, GetFirstEntry, and GetNextEntry methods

Access ACL entries

CreateACLEntry method

Create ACL entries

RemoveACLEntry method

Remove ACL entries in COM only


Determine and set name of administration server

IsAdminNames, IsAdminReaderAuthor

Determine administration access to Names, Authors, and Readers fields

InternetLevel property

Determine and set the maximum Internet access level for the current database

Roles property and AddRole, DeleteRole, and RenameRole methods

Access roles

Parent property

Determine the database that owns the ACL

UniformAccess property

Enforce, or not enforce, a consistent ACL across all replicas of a database

IsExtendedAccess property

Enable, or not enable, extended access


CanCreateDocuments, CanCreateLSOrJavaAgent, CanCreatePersonalAgent, CanCreatePersonalFolder, CanCreateSharedFolder, CanDeleteDocuments, CanReplicateOrCopyDocuments, IsAdminReaderAuthor, IsAdminServer, Level, Name, and Parent properties

Examine the ACL entry

NameObject property

Supported in COM only

New and Remove methods

Create and remove an entry

Roles property and IsRoleEnabled, EnableRole, and DisableRole methods

Associate ACL entries with roles

IsPublicReader and IsPublicWriter properties

Become public readers and writers

IsGroup, IsPerson, and IsServer properties

Determine and set the user type for an ACL entry

The Save method of NotesACL writes changes that you make to the ACL and ACL entries to permanent storage. Otherwise, the changes are lost when your program exits.