CreateViewNavFrom (NotesView - LotusScript®)
Creates a view navigator for all entries in a view starting at a specified entry.
Defined in
Set notesViewNavigator = notesView .CreateViewNavFrom( navigatorObject [, cacheSize& ] )
Variant. A Document or ViewEntry object representing the starting entry. If you specify Nothing, this method generates an error.
Long. Optional. The size of the navigator cache in view entries. Legal values are 0 (no cache) through 128 (default).
Return value
A NotesViewNavigator object. The new view navigator whose first entry is the specified Document or ViewEntry object; subsequent entries are all the entries in the view that follow the specified entry.
CreateViewNavFrom always returns a view navigator, but if you pass it a document that is not in the view, it will be positioned at the first entry. You can use the following to tell whether a document exists in a view or folder by looking at what it points to and seeing whether it's what you requested:
Function IsDocInView(doc As NotesDocument, view As NotesView) As Boolean
?????? Dim nav As NotesViewNavigator
?????? Set nav = view.CreateViewNavFrom(doc)
?????? Dim ent As NotesViewEntry
?????? Set ent = nav.GetFirst
?????? If Not (ent Is Nothing) Then
?????? ?????? IsDocInView = (ent.NoteID = doc.NoteID)
?????? End If
End Function
The navigator contains all entries even if the view is filtered for a full-text search.