Accessing database properties using Java™
The following methods access the Database properties:
- getACL returns an ACL object representing the access control list of the database. See "Examining and adjusting an access control list."
- getACLActivityList returns
a Vector of String objects containing the log from the access control
- getAgents (database must be open) returns a java.util.Vector of Agent objects representing all the agents in the database. See "Accessing agents."
- getAllDocuments (database must be open) returns a DocumentCollection object representing all the documents in the database. See "Collecting all documents and unprocessed documents."
- getCategories returns a String value containing the categories in the database; setCategories (database must be open) sets the database categories to a String value.
- getCreated returns a DateTime object representing the date and time the database was created.
- getCurrentAccessLevel returns an int value containing the user's access level to the database. See "Examining and adjusting an access control list."
- getDesignTemplateName returns a String value containing the name of the design template, if any.
- getFileFormat returns
an int value containing the ODS (on-disk structure) version of the
- getFileName returns a String value containing the database file name.
- getFilePath returns a String value containing the database file path.
- getFolderRefsEnabled returns true if this database maintains folder references.
- getForms returns a java.util.Vector of Form objects representing the forms in the database. See "."
- getFTIndexFrequency returns
an int value containing the update frequency of a database's full-text
index; setFTIndexFrequency (database
must be open) sets the update frequency.
- getHTTPURL returns
a String value containing the HTTP URL of the database.
- isClusterReplication property returns true if cluster replication is in effect for
a database on a server in a cluster; (database must be open) sets cluster replication.
- isConfigurationDirectory property is true if the database is a Configuration Directory
- isCurrentAccessPublicReader property returns true if the current user has public reader
access in the database.
- isCurrentAccessPublicWriter property returns true if the current user has public writer
access in the database.
- isDelayUpdates returns true if server updates are delayed (batched) for better performance; setDelayUpdates (database must be open) batches updates if set to true.
- isDirectoryCatalog property returns true if the database is a Directory Catalog.
- isFTIndexed returns true if the database is full-text indexed.
- isInMultiDbIndexing returns
true if a database is set for "Include in multi-database indexing"; setInMultiDbIndexing (database
must be open) sets the database for "Include in multi-database indexing."
- isInService returns
true if a database on a server in a cluster is accessible; setInService (database
must be open) makes the database accessible.
- isLink returns
true if a database is the target of a link.
- isMultiDbSearch returns true if the search index is multi-database.
- isOpen returns true if the database is open.
- isPendingDelete returns
true if a database on a server in a cluster is marked for deletion.
- isPrivateAddressBook returns true if the database is a Personal Address Book; valid only through getAddressBooks in Session.
- isPublicAddressBook returns true if the database is a Domino® Directory; valid only through getAddressBooks in Session.
- getLastFixup (database
must be open) returns a DateTime object representing the date and
time the database was last checked by the Fixup task.
- getLastFTIndexed (database must be open) returns a DateTime object representing the date and time the full-text index, if any, was last modified.
- getLastModified (database must be open) returns a DateTime object representing the date and time the database was last modified.
- getLimitRevisions (database
must be open) returns a double value containing the maximum number
of entries allowed in the $Revisions field;setLimitRevisions sets
the maximum number.
- getLimitUpdatedBy (database
must be open) returns a double value containing the maximum number
of entries allowed in the $UpdatedBy field; sets
the maximum number.
- getListInDbCatalog returns
true if the database appears in database catalogs;setListInDbCatalog (database
must be open) sets whether the database appears in database catalogs.
- getManagers returns a java.util.Vector of String values that contain the names of users that have Manager access to the database.
- getMaxSize returns a long value containing the maximum size assigned to a database.
- getNotesURL returns
a String value containing the Notes® URL
of a database.
- getParent returns a Session object representing the current Domino® session.
- getPercentUsed (database must be open to get the correct value) returns a double value that contains the percent of the total size of a database that is occupied by real data.
- getReplicaID returns a String value containing the database replica ID in hexadecimal.
- getReplication returns a Replication object representing the replication information for this database.
- getServer returns a String value containing the name of the server on which the database resides, or null for the local directory.
- getSize (the database must be open) returns a double value containing the database size, in bytes.
- getSizeQuota returns an int value containing the database size quota, if any; (the database must be open) sets the database size quota to an int value. You must be an administrator to use setSizeQuota.
- getSizeWarning returns
a long value containing the size warning threshold of the database; setSizeWarning sets
the threshold.
- getTemplateName returns a String value containing the template name of the database if it is a template.
- getTitle returns a String value containing the database title; (database must be open) sets the title.
- getType (database
must be open) returns an int value containing the database type.
- getUndeleteExpireTime returns
an int value containing the number of hours before soft deletions
become hard deletions; setUndeleteExpireTime sets
the number of hours.
- getViews returns a java.util.Vector of View objects representing the named views in the database. See "."
Use fixup to run the Fixup task on a database.
Use createFTIndex and to create and remove full-text indexes.