Exporting views
You can export a view to an ASCII file, a worksheet, a tabular text file, or a structured text file.
Exporting to an ASCII file with comma separated values
A comma separated value file (CSV) formats data as ASCII text with one record per line and with fields separated by commas. When you export to a CSV file, you can choose between exporting all or selected documents in a view. You can choose an export character set -- either Unicode, the International (UTF-8) choice, or the default. You can also choose to include view titles in the exported file.
Notes® on exporting as a CSV file
- When exporting to the CSV format, blank columns are replaced by a pair of quotes ("" "") in the CSV file.
- A category column is treated as the last column, so blank columns after the category columns are ignored and not represented by quotes.
- Entries in collapsed sections of documents are not automatically exported. You must expand the sections to export the data.
Exporting to a tabular text file
Tabular text is ASCII text arranged in rows and columns, separated by space characters. When you export a view to a tabular text file, each document becomes a text row (line). Each field becomes a text "column," separated by space characters. The original field contents become the "cell" contents. To see the separation between columns in the exported view, use a monospaced font for the columns in the original view.
The result of a tabular export may not look exactly like the view. Views use a proportionally spaced font, but exports use a monospaced font. Export a few documents as a test. Then, if necessary, adjust the column width settings in the view before you perform the whole export.
To display or edit the contents of a view in a Notes® document, export the view to a tabular text file. Then import the tabular text file into a Notes® document.
Exporting to a structured text file
Structured text is ASCII text that retains its structure in fields and values. Exporting a view to structured text creates a file containing the text of all the documents in the view, minus any rich text attributes.
To export a view
- Select the database and open the view you want to export.
- (Optional) Select specific documents to export only a subset of the view.
- Choose File - Export.
- Select the file format you're exporting to.
- Do one of the following:
- To replace an existing file, select a directory and file name from the list.
- To create a new file, enter a new file name.
- To append to an existing tabular text file, select a directory and file name from the list.
- Click Export.
- If you selected an existing file, do one of the following:
- To replace the file, click Replace.
- To append to an existing file, click Append.
- Click "All documents" unless you selected specific documents in Step 2.
- (Optional, for comma separated value format) Select an export character set.
- (Optional, for structured text format) Change the inter-document delimiter and word-wrap settings if you are exporting to a structured text file.
- Click OK.
Delimiter and word wrap settings
- Delimiter - Choose Form Feed to use a form-feed to separate records
in the file, or choose Character Code to separate the records in the
file with the ASCII code for a delimiter other than the default, ASCII
12 (form-feed), such as:
32 Space
44 ,
45 -
58 :
59 ;
124 |
- Word wrap - Represents the number of characters at which each line wraps. The default is 75 characters.