Checking field values in a document

About this task

Open the Document Properties box to see if a document contains a particular field or field value, or to troubleshoot a field that is not calculating its value correctly. A null value ("") indicates that the field is empty.

A document always contains fields you design as well as fields Domino® automatically generates. Most fields generated by Domino® start with a dollar sign ($). Some Domino-generated fields include:

  • $File -- shows an entry for each attachment in the document.
  • $Links -- shows an entry for each link in the document.
  • $Readers -- lists authorized readers if the document contains a read access list.
  • $Revisions -- lists the date and time of each editing session since the first time the document was saved.
  • $Title, $Info, $WindowTitle, $Body, and $Actions -- are associated with a form that is stored in the document.
  • $UpdatedBy -- lists the document authors and editors. Anonymous forms don't have this field.
  • Form -- indicates the name of the form used to create the document or the name of the form most recently used to save the document. Use the form in views to select documents created with the form.
  • PostedDate -- indicates that a document has been mailed and shows the time and date it was mailed.

To check field values in a document:


  1. Select the document in a view.
  2. Choose File - Document Properties.
  3. Click the Fields tab.
  4. Click a field name in the left column to display the field.