New Method for LCNumeric

This is the constructor method for the new LCNumeric class object.

Defined In



Dim variableName As New LCNumeric(lprecision, scale)





Long. Optional. Precision for this object, from 0 - 88. Default is LCMAX_NUMERIC_PREC (88). This is the total number of decimal digits you can store in the object.


Long. Optional. Scale for this object, from -127 to +127. Default if both arguments are omitted is LCMAX_NUMERIC_PREC / 2 (44). If a precision is specified, the default scale is zero.

This number specifies the position of the decimal point relative to the last digit. Zero specifies an integer value. The 1 setting specifies a value with one digit following the decimal point. The -1 setting specifies a value with a decimal point one place following the final digit stored (an integer multiple of 10).

Regardless of the precision, scale can be any number in the -127 to 127 range.


Option Public
Uselsx "*lsxlc" 
Sub Initialize
	Dim hundreds As New LCNumeric(8, -2)
	Dim tens As New LCNumeric(8, -1)
	Dim ints As New LCNnumeric(8, 0)
	Dim defaultNum As New LCNumeric
	hundreds.Value = 4567.89
	tens.Value = 4567.89
	ints.Value = 4567.89
	defaultNum.Value = 4567.89
	Print "hundreds=" & hundreds.Text & ", tens=" & tens.Text & ", ints=" & ints.Text & ", defaultNum=" & defaultNum.Text
End Sub

Example Output

hundreds=4500, tens=4560, ints=4567, defaultNum=4567.89