@Repeat (Formula Language)
Repeats a string a specified number of times.
Syntax @Repeat( string ; number ; numberchars )
Text or text list. The string you want to repeat.
Number. The number of times you want to repeat string.
Number. Optional. The maximum number of characters you want returned. @Repeat truncates the result to this number.
Return value
Text or text list. The string, repeated number times until numberchars (if specified) is reached.
If the first parameter is a list, the function operates on each element of the list, and the return value is a list with the same number of elements.
The resultant string cannot be larger than 1,024 characters.
- This example returns HelloHelloHello.
- This example returns ByeBy.
- This example returns Great Month! Great Month! Great Month! in
the Comments field if the amount in the field named Sales is greater
than or equal to 100,000; otherwise it returns the string Good Month.
FIELD Comments:=@If(Sales>=100000;@Repeat("Great Month!";3);"Good Month");
- This example returns HelloHelloHello and ByeByeBye in a list.
@Repeat("Hello" : "Bye"; 3)