Examples: DXL output for an agent element

The following text file excerpt represents the DXL output for the "Runexport" agent, which is an agent that transforms database data into DXL. The Runexport agent was used to create this example.

The See Also section lists the elements that are illustrated in DXL format in this example.

Note that the attributes for each element are listed within the angle brackets of the element's opening tag. The location of the element's closing tag illustrates the containment hierarchy of the element. For example, the agent element's opening and closing tags surround the noteinfo, trigger, and code element tags, as well as many others. This illustrates that these elements are contained by the agent element. Note also that the agentdata element immediately follows the agent element, but is not contained by it.

<agent name="Runexport" hide="v3" publicaccess="false" designerversion="6"> 
	<noteinfo noteid="13e" unid="C20C437939E6199E85256A38005FD842" 		sequence="1"> 
			<datetime dst="true">20010424T132652,82-04</datetime>
			<datetime dst="true">20010424T132713,69-04</datetime>
			<datetime dst="true">20010424T132713,67-04</datetime>
			<datetime dst="true">20010424T132713,68-04</datetime>
			<datetime dst="true">20010424T132713,68-04</datetime>
		<name>CN=Mary Lally/OU=CAM/O=Condor</name>
		<datetime dst="true">20010424T132713,61-04</datetime>
	<trigger type="actionsmenu" /> 
	<documentset type="selected" /> 
	<code section="options"> 
		<lotusscript>Option Public</lotusscript> 
	<code event="initialize"> 
		<lotusscript>Sub Initialize Dim session As New NotesSession 			Dim db As NotesDatabase Set db = session.CurrentDatabase REM 			Open xml file named after current database Dim stream As 				NotesStream Set stream = session.CreateStream filename$ = 			"c:\dxl\" & Left(db.FileName, Len(db.FileName) - 3) & "xml" If 			Not stream.Open(filename$) Then Messagebox "Cannot open " & 			filename$,, "Error" Exit Sub End If Call stream.Truncate REM 			Create note collection for current database Dim nc As 				NotesNoteCollection Set nc = db.CreateNoteCollection(False) 			Call nc.SelectAllDesignElements(4) Call nc.BuildCollection REM 			Export note collection as DXL Dim exporter As NotesDXLExporter 			Set exporter = session.CreateDXLExporter(nc, stream) Call 			exporter.Process End Sub</lotusscript> 
	<rundata processeddocs="0" exitcode="0">
			<datetime dst="true">20010424T132713,62-04</datetime>
	<item name="$Restricted" sign="true"> 
	<noteinfo noteid="142" unid="1CFBEA5CF86B8F8D85256A38005FEA22" 		sequence="1"> 
			<datetime dst="true">20010424T132738,58-04</datetime>
			<datetime dst="true">20010424T132738,59-04</datetime>
			<datetime dst="true">20010424T132738,58-04</datetime>
			<datetime dst="true">20010424T132738,58-04</datetime>
			<datetime dst="true">20010424T132738,58-04</datetime>
		<name>CN=Mary Lally/OU=CAM/O=Condor</name> 