HCL Domino Designer Basic User Guide and Reference
Basic product usage information and programming language reference information.
What's new in HCL Domino Designer 11 for developers?
The following features are new for developers in HCL Domino® Designer 11.
Accessibility and keyboard shortcuts
Accessibility features assist users who have a disability, such as restricted mobility or limited vision, to use information technology content successfully.
Application Design
Welcome to the Application Design section of Domino® Designer Help.
Application Management
Welcome to the Application Management section of Domino® Designer Help.
Domino® Query Language
Domino® Query Language (DQL) is a facility running on a Domino server that provides a terse, shorthand syntax for finding documents. It supports a wide variety and complexity of search terms. It leverages existing design elements, avoiding the need to write detailed code to access them. DQL consolidates all methods in Domino for searching document contents.
Composite Applications - Design and Management
Composite applications are a key element in a service-oriented architecture (SOA) and contextual collaboration strategy. The ability to create and edit composite applications lets you easily integrate different types of components and technologies.
DB2® Access views
Domino® Designer includes two types of design elements to assist you in managing data contained in DB2® enabled Notes® databases:
Programming Overview and User Interface
This section contains general guidelines and examples that show where to use Java, LotusScript, and the formula language.
Formula Language
This section documents the formula language.
LotusScript® Language
Welcome to the LotusScript® Language section of Domino® Designer Help.
Java/CORBA Classes
This section documents the Java/CORBA classes.
Connectors provide native access to a wide variety of DBMS products, ODBC, the platform File system, Enterprise Resource Planning systems, and Transaction Processing systems.
Javadoc™ for Domino® Designer related APIs
As part of providing additional Java™ reference documentation, Domino® Designer ships with a help plugin that contains Javadoc™ for additional Domino Designer related APIs.
XPages User Guide and Reference
This guide describes how to develop HCL Domino® Designer applications using XPages, forms, views, and other elements such as controls.
Product overview
HCL Domino® Designer supports applications development for the HCL Domino platform using XPages, forms, views, and other elements such as controls.
Understanding XPages
An XPages application is XML interpreted by a Domino® server or Notes® client and rendered in a web browser or a Notes client. You can interact with controls on the page to send requests to the server.
Forms and views
In Domino®, a form defines how documents are displayed to the user and how the form's data items are stored. A view reports documents in columns and rows.
Navigation in Domino® Designer
HCL Domino® Designer is installed as Eclipse perspectives arranged into easy-to-access views, palettes, and editors. You can perform tasks using the main menu, right-click menus, and icons in the view, palette, and editor title bars.
Design elements and the Applications Navigator
Available design elements are displayed by the Applications Navigator.
Design editor
The Design editor is where you edit XPages and other design elements, and view lists of design elements.
Source editor
Use the Source editor to directly edit XPages source code.
Palettes and views
Palettes and views provide the tools for working with the design elements.
Setting Domino Designer user preferences
You can customize Domino Designer so that it runs and displays just the way you want it to.
Setting general Domino Designer user preferences
You can customize many of the general settings of Domino® Designer so that the tool functions the way you that want.
Setting Domino Designer Application Navigator preferences
You can customize the Designer Application Navigator display preferences to display only the design elements that you wish.
Setting Domino Designer Java Editor user preferences
You can customize the settings of the Java™ Editor in Domino® Designer so that it runs the way you want it to.
Setting Domino Designer LotusScript Editor user preferences
You can customize many of the settings of the LotusScript® Editor in Domino® Designer so that it functions the way you want it to.
Setting Domino Designer Source Control user preferences
You can customize Domino Designer source control features to make your application development process and source control tasks more efficient.
Setting Domino Designer XPages user preferences
You can modify XPages settings in Domino® Designer so that you can use this unique design element in custom ways in your application development.
Getting information
The immediate resource for getting information is the installed help system.
Setting a search scope
A search scope limits the help topics that are searched.
Accessibility and keyboard shortcuts
HCL Domino® Designer provides some assistive aids to those with restricted mobility or limited vision.
This section contains tutorials and information about tutorials.
XPages Site Finder tutorial
This tutorial demonstrates the ease with which you can create a Web application in HCL Domino® Designer using XPage elements. Using this tutorial you create and preview three XPages. You place controls on the XPages for accessing and viewing data, navigating to other pages, refreshing the same page, and performing other actions. You will even use JavaScript™.
Setting up the sample application
During the course of the tutorial, you create three XPages named Site, SiteFinder, and SiteList. When you first open the sample application, you see existing XPages with similar names. Three of them are final solutions and are named SiteFinal, SiteFinderFinal, and SiteListFinal. Two of them are intermediate solutions and are named Site1 and SiteList1.
Creating an XPage
This lesson teaches you how to create a basic XPage.
Adding a view control
An XPage view control is used to display information from a defined view. The control that you create in this lesson lets you display data from the SiteList view.
Creating an XPage for editing
Forms can also be used to design Web pages, but XPages allow more UI options and greater control of appearance with less effort. It's helpful to also have a form to provide a list of fields for binding data. Also the form can be used to calculate computed fields with field formulas rather than putting code on the XPage.
Creating controls to add and delete documents
The SiteList XPage lets you see and edit documents in the application, but we need to add controls to create and delete documents.
Creating an XPage for searching
The user uses this page to specify search parameters and see the results. The search parameters are values for the city, state, country, and zip code. The user can fill in any of these parameters and click a button. The page is refreshed and results are displayed as a view. A search property for the view limits the display to documents that match the search parameters.
Administering applications
HCL Domino® Designer provides features for administering and managing your work and related files while developing your application projects.
Source control in Domino® Designer
Source control operations are possible with Domino® Designer. The section provides all the information needed for using the source control enablement feature which makes this functionality available.
Source control enablement
Source control enablement feature has been introduced to let you store NSF based design elements into a source control repository and perform common source control operations using Domino® Designer.
Prerequisite: Setting up the version source control system used with source control enablement
This topic describes how to first setup a version source control system so that you can use the source control enablement feature.
Setting up the Source Control enablement feature
The following topics provide information on initial set up tasks that need to be completed in order to begin using the Domino® Designer source control enablement feature as part of your day-to-day source control operations.
Before you begin: Creating associations between on-disk projects and NSFs
The source control enablement feature requires you to create an association between an on-disk project managed by the source control and the virtual NSF based project that Designer uses.
Associating the NSF with an existing on-disk project
The source control enablement feature lets you create an association between an existing on-disk project managed by the source control and the virtual NSF based project that Designer uses.
Setting the direction of the initial synchronization operation
This topic explains the directions available for the initial synchronization operation that occurs when creating the association between an NSF and an on-disk project.
Associating the NSF with a new on-disk project
The source control enablement feature lets you create an association between a new on-disk project and an NSF.
Setting source control enablement feature preferences
This topic explains the preferences you can set to customize your source control enablement feature operations.
Selecting the way to represent design elements on disk
This topic describes the ways to represent the design elements on disk.
Completing common source control tasks with the Source Control Enablement feature
The basic steps of a general workflow are provided to give you an idea of how it works with the Domino® Designer source control enablement feature.
Adding an existing Domino® Designer application into source control
This topic describes how to add an existing Domino® Designer application into source control
Bringing in an application from source control
This topic describes how to bring an application in from source control.
Associating an on-disk project with a new NSF
This topic describes how to associate an on-disk project with a new NSF.
Associating an on-disk project with an existing NSF
This topic describes how to associate an on-disk project with an existing NSF.
Example of associating an existing NSF with an on disk project
This topic provides an example of associating an existing NSF with an on disk project.
Handling a file synch conflict
This topic describes how to handle a file synch conflict with the source control feature.
Manually synching the NSF and local source control project
This topic describes how to manually synching the NSF and a local source control project.
Removing associations in source control
This topic describes how to remove NSF/project associations in source control.
Using the single command method for command line building
The single command method is one method you can use for command line building in Designer.
Using the command file method for command line building
The command file method is another method you can use for command line building in Designer.
Designing XPages applications
HCL Domino® Designer provides the means to populate an XPage with controls and other artifacts, and to associate an XPage with data stores.
Previewing and running XPages
XPages run in Domino® server and Notes® client environments. From Domino Designer, you can preview XPages in both environments.
Previewing an XPage
You can preview an XPage in a Domino® server or Notes® client environment.
Opening an XPage upon application launch
You can open an XPage upon application launch.
Opening another XPage
From an XPage, users can open other XPages through navigation rules, a simple action, XSPContext methods, and opening the URL.
Opening an XPage instead of a view
For Web access only, you can open an XPage instead of a view.
Signing XPages
XPages are signed with the ID of the current Domino® Designer user upon saving the XPage design element, and/or upon generating its implementation (i.e .class) file(s).
Using XPages in the Notes® client
You can run XPages applications in the HCL Notes® rich client.
Using the XPages toolbar
XPages applications in the Notes® client have their own toolbar, which is visible whenever an XPage has focus in the embedded browser.
XPages security
Security is provided for XPages applications.
Prompting users to save changes to XPages
You can control how an XPage application prompts the user when the user requests an action that closes a page with modified fields.
Running XPages in Notes® on a Domino® HTTP server
For better performance, server-based XPages applications that run in the Notes® client can instead run on the Domino® HTTP server.
Translating an XPages application
When translating XPages and Custom Controls, do not make new copies for each language, since the XPage translation mechanism is different from the mechanism for the non-XPage HCL Notes® design elements.
Designing single copy XPages
You can store XPage design elements in one database and redirect other databases there at run-time.
Creating accessible applications with XPages - an overview
For Domino® developers creating Web applications, XPages is the recommended accessible solution.
Specific accessibility guidelines for XPages
Making sure that an XPages application and controls are accessible.
Adding controls
Controls are visual elements such as edit boxes, buttons, images, and text that allow users to manipulate data on an XPage.
Manipulating controls and text
You can add controls and text to an XPage using the Design or Source editor. The Controls palette provides a source for controls.
Using an extension point to override design time tooling for Core and Extension Library controls
An extension point is provided to let you override design time tooling for the Core and Extension Library controls that are shipped with Designer.
Setting properties
Properties define XPages and controls.
Understanding events
Events are actions that a user might perform such as clicking a button or removing focus from an edit box. Event handlers are actions that you (the designer) perform in response to events.
Understanding facets
A facet defines a region in a control for the placement of other controls.
Understanding Dojo widgets
Dojo widgets are prepackaged JavaScript™ code, HTML, and CSS declarations that enhance the appearance and use of controls in both a browser and the Notes® client.
Making Dojo resources available on an XPage
Dojo resources must be made available before being applied to controls.
Applying a Dojo widget to a control
Once Dojo resources are available on an XPage, you can apply them to controls.
Control reference
Specified here are the XPages controls.
br - Line break
Inserts a break in text.
button - Button
Displays a button that the user can click to perform an action.
callback - Editable Area
Provides a custom control with an area that can be edited when embedded in an XPage.
checkBox - Check Box
Displays a box that can be selected or cleared.
checkBoxGroup - Check Box Group
Displays multiple boxes that can be selected or cleared.
comboBox - Combo Box
Displays a list of items one of which can be selected.
dataTable - Data Table
Contains cells arranged as rows and columns associated with a data source. Each cell can contain other controls (including tables) and text.
dateTimeHelper - Date Time Picker
Displays a picker for selection of date and time values in an edit box.
div - Division
Acts as a division or block of content in HTML. Contains other controls and text.
eventHandler - Event Handler (control)
Responds to user actions such as clicking a control.
fileDownload - File Download
Downloads a file to the local file system.
fileUpload - File Upload
Uploads a file from the local file system.
image - Image
Displays an image.
include - Include Page
Inserts a reference to another XPage.
inputHidden - Hidden Input
Hides data from the user.
inputRichText - Rich Text
Displays an input field for entering data formatted as rich text.
inputText - Edit Box
Displays an input field for entering one line of data.
inputTextarea - Multiline Edit Box
Displays an input field for entering multiple lines of data.
label - Label (control)
Displays text.
link - Link
Opens a URL, a control (anchor link), or another XPage.
listBox - List Box
Displays a list of items one or more of which can be selected.
message - Display Error
Displays error messages for one control.
messages - Display Errors
Displays error messages for all controls on a page.
pager - Pager
Pages data for a container control where its data cannot be displayed in one window.
pagerControl - Pager Child Control
Specifies a pager control within the common pager.
panel - Panel
Serves as a container for other controls and text with common data sources and properties.
paragraph - Paragraph
Combines text in a paragraph format.
platformEvent - Platform Event Control
Handles a platform event.
radio - Radio Button
Displays a button that can be selected or cleared. When grouped only one button in the group can be selected.
radioGroup - Radio Button Group
Displays multiple buttons that can be selected or cleared. Only one button in the group can be selected.
repeat - Repeat
Repeats embedded controls by iterating through a data source.
scriptBlock - Output Script
Outputs a client script.
section - Section
Serves as a collapsible container for other controls and text
selectItem - Selection Item
Provides an item for user selection, for example, in a check box.
selectItems - Selection Items
Provides one or more items for user selection, for example, in a check box.
span - Span Content
Combines text, typically for the application of properties.
tabbedPanel - Tabbed Panel
Serves as a collection of containers for other controls and text.
table - Table
Contains cells arranged as rows and columns. Each cell can contain other controls (including tables) and text.
text - Computed Field
Displays a value.
typeAhead - AJAX Type ahead
Automatically fills in its parent control as users type a succession of characters that match a specified suggestion.
view - XPage
Defines the top-level container control, that is, the XPage itself.
viewPanel - View
Displays data from documents in rows and columns.
Property reference
Specified here are the XPages properties.
accept - Accept
Lists an acceptable MIME type for the uploaded file.
accesskey - Accelerator
Specifies a character used in conjunction with the ALT key to put focus on a control.
acl - Access Control List
Defines an access control list for a page or control.
action - Application Action
Specifies the MethodBinding application action to invoke when the user activates the control.
actionListener - Action Listener
Specifies the MethodBinding action listener to be notified when the user activates the control.
actionListeners - Action Listener List
Specifies a collection of action listeners.
afterPageLoad - After Page Load Method Binding
Activates an event handler after a page loads.
afterRenderResponse - After Render Response Method Binding
Activates an event handler after the Render Response phase of the JSF cycle.
afterRestoreView - After Restore View Method Binding
Activates an event handler after the Restore View phase of the JSF cycle.
align - Alignment
Aligns content in a container.
allowDelete - Allow File Delete
Allows users to delete attached files or not.
alt - Alternate Text
Specifies text to display when an image cannot be rendered.
alwaysCalculateLast - Always Calculate Last
Always calculates the last document in a container.
ariaLabel - ARIA Label (property)
Specifies descriptive text for an assistive technologies label for a control.
attrs - Attribute List
Adds attributes to a control. Use this property only where attributes are not available as properties.
autocomplete - Automatically Complete
Enables or disables the browser feature for remembering and automatically completing user input.
beforePageLoad - Before Page Load Method Binding
Activates an event handler before a page loads.
beforeRenderResponse - Before Render Response Method Binding
Activates an event handler before the Render Response phase of the JSF cycle.
bgcolor - Background Color
Specifies the background color.
binding - Control Binding
Specifies an expression that binds the control to a control property.
border - Table Border
Specifies the width in pixels of the border around a table or group of controls.
caption - Caption
Displays a caption above a container control.
captionStyleClass - Caption CSS Style Classes
Specifies a list of CSS classes to be applied to a table caption.
cellpadding - Cell Padding
Specifies the space between a table cell border and its content in pixels.
cellspacing - Cell Spacing
Specifies the space between a table border and cells, and between cells in pixels.
charset - Character Set
Specifies the character encoding of the retrieved resource.
checkedValue - Value when checked
Specifies the value of a data element bound to a selected (as opposed to cleared) control.
collapsedImage - Collapsed Section Image
Specifies an image for a collapsed section.
cols - Columns
Specifies the number of columns to display.
colspan - Column Span
Specifies the number of columns spanned by the current cell.
columnClasses - Column CSS Classes
Specifies a list of CSS classes to be applied to view or table columns.
columnName - Column Name
Specifies the name of the underlying view column in the data source.
componentId - Control ID
Specifies the identifier of a control on an included page.
computeDocument - Compute Document Method Binding
Activates an event handler when a document is computed or recomputed.
containerStyleClass - CSS Container Style Classes
Specifies a list of CSS classes to be applied when a container control is rendered.
contentStyleClass - Tab Content Class
Specifies a list of CSS classes to be applied to tab content if it does not have a style.
contentType - Content Type
Specifies the content type, text or HTML.
converter - Converter
Defines the data format if it is not string.
coords - Coordinates
Specifies the position and shape of a hot spot on the screen for use in client image maps,
createdStyleClass - Created Style Class
Specifies a list of CSS classes to be applied to a Created On column.
createdTitle - Created Title
Specifies an alternate title for a Created On header.
createdValue - Created Value Binding
Overrides the value of the creation date.
createForm - Create Form Flag
Creates a form element or not.
currentStyleClass - Current Page Style Classes
Specifies a list of CSS classes to be applied to the current page control if it does not have a style.
data - Data Source
Defines data sources for a page or control.
dataContexts - Control Data Contexts
Defines data contexts.
dataTableStyle - Data Table CSS Styles
Specifies a list of CSS styles to be applied to a view data table.
dataTableStyleClass - Data Table CSS Style Classes
Specifies a list of CSS style classes to be applied to a view data table.
defaultChecked - Checked by Default
Specifies whether a control is initially selected or cleared.
defaultLinkTarget - Page Base URL Used by Links
Specifies how a target page opens by default on the Notes® client.
defaultSelected - Default Selected
Specifies whether a control is initially selected or cleared.
defaultValue - Default Value
Specifies an initial value for a bound data element.
defer - Defer Script
Indicates that the script does not output document content, for example, with a document.write statement.
deleteImageTitle - Delete File Image Title
Specifies the text that appears when the user mouses over the delete icon.
deleteMessage - Delete File Message
Specifies the body of the dialog that verifies deletion of the attached file.
deleteStyleClass - Delete Style Class
Specifies a list of CSS classes to be applied to a Delete column.
dir - Direction
Specifies text direction for a control that does not inherit its direction.
disableClientSideValidation - Disable Client Side Validation
Disables or enables client side validation.
disabled - Disabled
Disables a control or not.
disabledClass - Disabled Label Class
Specifies the CSS style class to apply to the label for the disabled list.
disableModifiedFlag - Disable Modified Flag
Disables or enables modified notifications for a control.
disableTheme - Disable Theme
Disables the theme or not.
disableValidators - Disable Validators
Disables execution of validators or not.
displayAs - Display Fields As Links
Displays a selected item as plain text or a link to the underlying document.
displayCreated - Display Created
Displays the creation date or not.
displayLastModified - Display Last Modified
Displays the modification date or not.
displaySize - Display File Size
Displays the file size or not.
displayType - Display File Type
Displays the file type or not.
dojoArgs - Dojo Arguments
Specifies a list of dojo arguments for output to the script tag.
dojoAttributes - Dojo Attributes
Specifies a list of Dojo attributes.
dojoEvent - Dojo Event
Specifies a dojo event or function name for output to the script tag.
dojoForm - Create a Dojo Form
Creates or does not create a dojo form element for the page.
dojoParseOnLoad - Trigger Dojo Parser on Load
Starts or does not start the dojo parser when the page is loaded.
dojoStoreType - Dojo Store Type
Overrides the default dojo type used to create the data store for a control.
dojoTheme - Use Dojo Theme
Uses or does not use a dojo theme.
dojoType - Dojo Type
Specifies the default Dojo type for creating a control.
enabledClass - Enabled Label Class
Specifies the CSS style class to apply to the label for the enabled list.
enableModifiedFlag - Enable Modified Flag
Allows saving a modified page if the user navigates away.
endTabStyleClass - End Tab Class
Specifies a list of CSS classes to be applied to the end tab if it does not have a style.
errorClass - Error Class
Specifies a list of CSS style classes to be applied to messages with a severity of error.
errorStyle - Error CSS Styles
Specifies a list of CSS styles to be applied to messages with a severity of error.
escape - Escape Characters
Indicates whether to escape characters that can be mistaken for XML and HTML markup.
event - Event
Specifies the name of this event.
eventHandler - Event Handler (property)
Specifies scripts and simple actions to be executed when a control event occurs.
eventName - Event Name
Specifies the name of a platform event.
exclude - Exclude
Lists an excluded MIME type for the uploaded file.
execId - Fragment to Execute
Specifies the fragment of the page to execute.
execMode - Execution Mode
Determines the execution mode: complete or partial.
expandedImage - Expanded Section Image
Specifies an image for an expanded section.
facetName - Facet Name
Identifies a facet region.
fatalClass - Fatal Class
Specifies a list of CSS style classes to be applied to messages with a severity of fatal.
fatalStyle - Fatal Styles
Specifies a list of CSS styles to be applied to messages with a severity of fatal.
filename - File Name
Specifies the name of an uploaded file.
fileNameHrefValue - File Name URL
Overrides a file name reference with a URL to the file.
fileNameTitle - File Name Title
Specifies an alternate title for a File Name header.
fileNameValue - File Name Value
Specifies an alternate value for a File Name column.
first - First Row Index
Specifies the number of the first row to be displayed.
firstStyleClass - First Page Style Class
Specifies a list of CSS classes to be applied to the first page control if it does not have a style.
footerClass - Footer CSS Style Classes
Specifies a list of CSS style classes to be applied to footers.
for - Associated Client ID
Specifies a control for which to display error messages.
for - For Identifier
Directs pager actions to a data control.
for - Select Target Control
Redirects focus to another control on the XPage.
frame - Table Frame
Specifies how a table is framed.
frequency- Frequency
Specifies the minimum time in seconds before triggering a server request.
globalOnly - Global Only
Displays only messages not associated with a control or displays all messages.
groupName - Group Name
Assigns a radio button to a group.
handlers - Event Handlers
Specifies a collection of event handlers to be executed.
header - Section Header Text
Specifies a visible label for the top of a section.
headerClass - Header CSS Classes
Specifies a list of CSS style classes to be applied to headers.
headerStyle - Section Header CSS Styles
Specifies a list of CSS classes to be applied to a section header.
height - Height
Specifies the height of a control.
hideWhen - Hide When Unavailable
Hides a file download control when no attachments are available for download.
href - Link Location
Redirects the user to a specified location.
hreflang - Language
Specifies the language and country code of a retrieved resource.
htmlConversionWarning - HTML Conversion Warning
Displays a warning when a document is saved with conversion from HTML to rich text.
htmlFilter - HTML Filtering Processor Name Sending
Specifies an Active Content Filtering (ACF) processor for sending data.
htmlFilterIn - HTML Filtering Processor Name Receiving
Specifies an Active Content Filtering (ACF) processor for receiving data.
icon - Icon URL
Specifies the path for an icon.
iconAlt - Icon Alternate Text
Specifies descriptive text for an icon.
iconSrc - Icon Source
Displays an icon before the content of a column.
id - Name
Identifies a control uniquely among all controls on a page.
ignoreCase - Ignore Case
Indicates whether type ahead honors or ignores case.
image - Image (property)
Specifies an image.
imageAlt - Image Alternate Text (property)
Specifies alternate text for an image when the image cannot be displayed.
immediate - Immediate Action
Notifies listeners or converts and validates data immediately during the Apply Request Values phase rather than later during the Invoke Application or Process Validation phase.
indentResponses - Indent Responses
Indents response documents or not.
indexVar - Index Variable
Specifies the name of a variable to make the row index available for children.
infoClass - Info CSS Style Classes
Specifies a list of CSS style classes to be applied to messages with a severity of info.
infoStyle - Info CSS Styles
Specifies a list of CSS styles to be applied to messages with a severity of info.
initClosed - Initially Closed Value
Initially closes a section or not.
ismap - Image Map Flag
Uses a server-side image map or not.
itemDescription - Item Description
Describes a selection item.
itemDisabled - Item Disabled
Describes a selection item.
itemLabel - Item Label
Displays text for a selection item.
itemValue - Value
Specifies a value to return to the parent control when the user selects an item.
label - Label (property)
Specifies the visible label for a control.
lang - Language Code
Specifies a language and country code.
lastModifiedTitle - Last Modified Title
Specifies an alternate title for the Modified column header.
lastModifiedValue - Last Modified Value Binding
Specifies an alternate value for the Modified column.
lastStyleClass - CSS Tab Last Style Classes
Specifies a list of CSS classes to be applied to the last page control if it does not have a style.
layout - Layout (property 1)
Specifies the direction of grouped controls, horizontal or vertical.
layout - Layout (property 2)
Specifies the layout for displaying multiple error messages.
layout - Pager Layout
Specifies how buttons appear in a pager control.
legend - Group Description
Provides a screen readable group description for a control.
loaded - Loaded
Creates a control when the page is loaded or not.
longdesc - Long Description
Specifies the URI of a long description for a resource.
maxlength - Maximum Length
Specifies a maximum number of characters that the user can enter into a control.
maxValues - Maximum Values
Specifies a maximum number of selections to display.
middleTabStyleClass - CSS Middle Tab Style Classes
Specifies a list of CSS classes to be applied to each middle tab if it does not have a style.
mimetype - MIME Type
Forces the MIME type of the uploaded file.
minchars - Minimum Characters
Specifies the minimum characters that the user must type to trigger type ahead.
mode - Mode
Specifies the retrieval mode for the dropdown list for type ahead.
modifiedControl - Modified Control
Specifies the control whose action to execute if the user navigates away from a modified page and elects to save the page.
modifiedMessage - Modified Message
Specifies the message to display if the user navigates away from a modified page.
modifiedStyleClass - Modified CSS Style Classes
Specifies a list of CSS classes to be applied to a Modified column.
multiple - Multiple Selection
Allows multiple items to be selected.
multipleSeparator - Multiple Values Separator
Specifies the character that separates elements of input for a control bound to a multi-value element.
multipleTrim - Multiple Trim
Removes leading and trailing white space from each element of multi-value input.
nameStyleClass - Name CSS Style Classes
Specifies a list of CSS classes to be applied to a Name column.
navigate - Navigate
Indicates if the result of an action is used to navigate to another page.
navigationRules - Navigation Rules
Specifies rules for navigating from a page.
onblur - Focus Off Script
Activates an event handler when a control loses focus.
onchange - Input Change Script
Activates an event handler when a control loses focus and its value changed since last gaining focus.
onclick - Click Script
Activates an event handler when a mouse click occurs.
onClientLoad - On Client Load
Activates event handlers when a page or panel loads to the client.
onComplete - On Complete Event
Executes a client script after a server request.
ondblclick - Double Click Script
Activates an event handler when a mouse double click occurs.
onError - On Error Event
Executes a client script if an error occurs on a server request.
onevent - On Event
Specifies a client script that responds to a platform event.
onfocus - Focus On Script
Activates an event handler when a control gains focus.
onkeydown - Key Down Script
Activates an event handler when a control receives a key press.
onkeypress - Key Press Script
Activates an event handler when a control receives a key press and release.
onkeyup - Key Up Script
Activates an event handler when a control receives a key release.
onmousedown - Mouse Down Script
Activates an event handler when a control receives a mouse press.
onmousemove - Mouse Move Script
Activates an event handler when a control receives a mouse movement.
onmouseout - Mouse Out Script
Activates an event handler when a control receives a mouse away movement.
onmouseover - Mouse Over Script
Activates an event handler when a control receives a mouse over movement.
onmouseup - Mouse Up Script
Activates an event handler when a control receives a mouse release.
onselect - Text Select Script
Activates an event handler when existing text in a control is selected.
onStart - On Start Event
Executes a client script before a server request.
openDocAsReadonly - Open Document As Read-only
Prohibits an underlying document opened through a link from being edited.
outerStyleClass - CSS Outer Style Classes
Specifies a list of CSS outer classes to be applied when a control is rendered.
pageBaseUrl - Page Base URL Used by Links
Generates an icon for a page.
pageCount - Page Count
Specifies the number of pages in a group control.
pageIcon - Page Icon
Generates an icon for a page.
pageManifest - Page Manifest
Specifies an HTML5 manifest attribute to add to the HTML for the XPage.
pageName - Page Name (property)
Opens a selected document using a specified page.
pageName - Page Name (for Include property)
Specifies the name of an included page.
pageTitle - Page Title
Generates a title for a page.
pageUrl - Page URL
Opens a URL when the user clicks a link.
panelPosition - Navigator Position
Specifies the location of a pager in a container.
parameters - Parameters
Specifies parameters passed to a retrieved resource.
partialExecute - Partial Execute
Executes only the parent control.
partialRefresh - Partial Refresh
Refreshes only the parent control upon a partial refresh, for example, collapsing or expanding a view.
password - Password
Masks user input to a control by echoing asterisks.
postNewDocument - Post New Document Method Binding
Activates an event handler after a document is created.
postOpenDocument - Post Open Document Method Binding
Activates an event handler after a document is opened.
postOpenview - Post Open View Method Binding
Activates an event handler after a view is opened.
postSaveDocument - Post Save Document Method Binding
Activates an event handler after a document is saved.
preventFiltering - Prevent Filtering
Prevents filtering a list of values using the submitted user value.
properties - Properties
Specifies parameters and values.
queryNewDocument - Query New Document Method Binding
Activates an event handler before a document is created.
queryOpenDocument - Query Open Document Method Binding
Activates an event handler before a document is opened.
queryOpenview - Query Open View Method Binding
Activates an event handler before a view is opened.
querySaveDocument - Query Save Document Method Binding
Activates an event handler before a document is saved.
readMarksClass - Read Marks Style Class
Specifies a list of CSS style classes to be applied to read view entries.
readonly - Read Only Flag
Makes a control read-only or editable.
readonly - Read Only
Generates a span element instead of a label element.
redisplay - Redisplay Flag
Renders any existing value bound to the control.
refreshId - Fragment to Refresh
Specifies the fragment of the page to refresh.
refreshMode - Refresh Mode
Determines the refresh mode: complete, partial, or none.
rel - Relationship
Specifies the relationship between the current document and the referenced anchor.
removeRepeat - Remove Repeat
Removes the repeat after repeating its content.
rendered - Visible
Makes a control visible or not.
rendererType - Renderer Type
Specifies a renderer to encode and decode a control.
repeatControls - Repeat Controls
Creates controls multiple times or iterates over the single set of controls.
required - Required Flag
Enforces the submission of a value for a control.
resources - Resources
Specifies resources for a page.
rev - Reverse Link
Specifies a reverse link from the referenced anchor to the current document.
role - Control Identifier
Provides a role for the use of assistive technologies.
rowAttrs - Row Attribute List
Adds attributes to a row. Use this property only where attributes are not available as properties.
rowClasses - Row CSS Classes
Specifies a list of CSS style classes to be applied to view or table rows.
rows - Rows
Specifies the maximum number of rows to display.
rowspan - Row Span
Specifies the number of rows spanned by the current cell.
rules - Table Rules
Specifies rules between table cells.
save - Save
Indicates if a save should occur after an action.
script - Client Script
Specifies a client script.
selectedTab - Selected Tab
Identifies the tab that gets initial focus in a tabbed panel.
selectedTabStyleClass - Selected Tab Class
Specifies a list of CSS classes to be applied to the selected tab if it does not have a style.
selectedValue - Selected Value
Specifies the value of a data element bound to a selected (as opposed to cleared) control.
selectedValues - Selected Values
An alias for the value property.
shape - Shape
Specifies the shape of a hotspot on the screen for client image maps.
showCheckbox - Show Check Box
Displays a check box before the column content.
showColumnHeader - Show Column Header
Displays the column headers or not.
showDetail - Show Detail
Displays the detail portion of a message or not.
showReadonlyAsDisabled - Show disabled control for read-only
Displays a read-only control as disabled.
showSummary - Show Summary
Displays the summary portion of a message or not.
showUnreadMarks - Show Unread Marks
Displays unread marks or not.
size - Size
Specifies the number of characters that the user can enter into a control at once.
sizeStyleClass - Size Style Class
Specifies a list of CSS classes to be applied to a Size column.
sizeTitle - File Size Title
Specifies an alternate title for a File Size header.
sizeValue - File Size Value Binding
Specifies an alternate value for a Size column.
skipContainers - Skip Containers
Skips a specified number of named containers to assign a group.
sortable - Sortable
Makes a column sortable by the user at run time.
src - Import Script File
Imports a script from a different application or domain.
startTabStyleClass - Start Tab Class
Specifies a list of CSS classes to be applied to the start tab if it does not have a style.
style - CSS Styles
Specifies font styles for a control.
styleClass - CSS Style Classes
Specifies a list of CSS classes to be applied when a control is rendered.
submit - Submit
Indicates if a request should be submitted to the server after an action.
summary - Description
Provides a screen readable description of a control.
tabindex - Tab Index
Specifies the order in which a control gets focus when the user presses the Tab key.
tagName - Tag Name
Specifies a markup tag for the control.
target - Target Frame
Specifies how a target page opens.
text - Label
Attaches a visible label to a control.
themeId - Theme ID
Specifies a theme for setting component properties.
timeClickableIncrement - Clickable Increment
Specifies the amount by which a clickable time element increases.
timeVisibleIncrement - Visible Increment
Specifies the amount by which a visible time element increases.
timeVisibleRange - Visible Range
Specifies the range of a time picker.
title - Advisory Title
Provides a screen readable title for a control.
tokens - Tokens
Specifies client separators in the case where the user machine specifies suggestions.
tooltip - Tool Tip
Displays the detail portion of a message as a tool tip or not.
type - Type (button)
Describes the function of a button.
type - Type (input control)
Specifies the type of input control.
type - Navigation Control Type
Specifies the type of navigation control.
type - Section Type
Specifies the formatting for a section.
type - Scripting Language Type
Specifies the scripting language.
typeStyleClass - Type Style Class
Specifies a list of CSS classes to be applied to a Type column.
typeTitle - File Type Title
Specifies an alternate title for a File Type header.
typeValue - File Type Value
Specifies an alternate value for a File Type column.
uncheckedValue - Unchecked Value
Specifies the value of a data element bound to a cleared (as opposed to selected) control.
unreadMarksClass - Unread Marks Style Class
Specifies a list of CSS style classes to be applied to unread view entries.
unselectedTabStyleClass - Unselected Tab Class
Specifies a list of CSS classes to be applied to each unselected tab if it does not have a style.
url - Source URL
Specifies the path to an external resource.
usemap - Use Image Map
Uses a client-side image map.
useUploadname - Use Upload Name
Retains the original name of a file for an attachment or not.
validator - Validator
Specifies a validator method called during Process Validations of MethodBinding to perform check the value of the control.
validators - Validators List
Enforces requirements for data entry.
valign - Vertical Alignment
Aligns content vertically in a container.
value - Value (control and data binding)
Binds a control to a data element or other value.
value - Script Value
Specifies a client script.
value - Value (label or target assignment)
Assigns a label or target to a control.
valueChangeListener - Value Change Listener
Specifies a listener method that is notified when a new value is set.
valueChangeListeners - Value change listeners
Specifies a collection of value change listeners.
valueList - Value List
Specifies suggestions returned when its initial characters are entered.
valueListSeparator - Value List Separator
Specifies ta character that separates suggestions in the suggestions string.
valueMarkup - Value Markup
Indicates whether a value list contains an XML markup fragment rather than a list.
var - Var
Specifies the name of a variable to make row data available.
var - Variable
Specifies the name of a request scope variable being used by the control.
viewState - View State
Defines how the view state is maintained.
viewStyle - View Panel CSS Styles
Specifies a list of CSS styles to be applied to a view panel.
warnClass - Warning Class
Specifies a list of CSS style classes to be applied to messages with a severity of warn.
warnStyle - Warning Styles
Specifies a list of CSS styles to be applied to messages with a severity of warn.
viewStyleClass - View CSS Style Classes
Specifies a list of CSS classes to be applied to a view panel.
width - Table Width
Specifies the width of a control.
Designing with custom controls in XPages
A custom control is a collection of controls that are stored as a single object. Similar to the way a subform can be placed on more than one form, a custom control can be created once and added to multiple XPages. When you update a custom control, every XPage that uses that custom control automatically gets updated with the changes. This saves you design time because you do not have to update each XPage separately.
Creating custom controls
Create a new custom control to use in XPages.
Setting properties for custom controls as independent design elements
Set properties for the custom control as an independent design element. Properties include options for configuring data sources, applying styles, specifying validation and visibility settings, and more.
Setting general properties for custom controls
Set general properties for custom controls. You can add a description, and set options for displaying the custom control in the Controls palette.
Setting property definition properties for custom controls
Define your own properties for the custom control. You can specify default editors and values to use when setting properties for custom controls inside XPages. You can also write scripts that determine when properties are visible and considered valid inside XPages.
Adding UI controls to custom controls
Add user interface (UI) controls to the custom control. Then, you can select each UI control individually and set properties for it just as you would for a UI control inside an XPage.
Defining editable areas in custom controls
Define the editable areas that you want to include in the custom control. Editable areas are regions that users can modify when the custom control is placed on an XPage. All other regions that fall outside of editable areas are read-only and cannot be modified.
Setting properties for editable areas in custom controls
Set properties for editable areas in the custom control. You can set properties for the name of the editable area as well as the facet name. You can also configure how and if the editable area is visible inside the custom control at run time.
Adding custom controls to XPages
Add the custom control to an XPage.
Setting properties for custom controls in XPages
Set properties for the custom control as it relates to the XPage that contains it. You can set properties for its name and visibility status as well as for any additional properties that you defined when setting properties for the custom control design element.
Adding UI controls to editable areas in custom controls
Add controls to editable areas in the custom control. You can set properties for these controls in the Properties view, just as you would set properties for any other controls that you add to XPages. You can also change the facet name of controls in editable areas if you are computing the value at run time.
Organizing custom controls in the Controls palette
Organize custom controls in the Controls palette. You can put them in categories for easy access.
Adding controls from the XPages Extension Library
The XPages Extension Library provides additional controls ready to use. The controls include an application layout object, an improved dialog, pickers, in place forms, Dojo components, dynamic content, and much more. The controls support enhancements to the Domino(r)® templates.
Using controls from the XPages Extension Library
Here are guidelines for using some of the controls in the XPages Extension Library.
Using templates from the XPages Extension Library
Extended versions of the discussion and team room templates are provided.
@Functions (Extension Library)
Specified here are the XPages Extension Library @functions.
Simple actions (Extension Library)
Specified here are the XPages Extension Library simple actions.
Control reference (Extension Library)
Specified here are the XPages Extension Library controls.
Property reference (Extension Library)
Specified here are the XPages Extension Library properties.
Binding and submitting data
The data store for XPages is Domino®. You can access the data store through Domino forms and views.
Defining data sources
An XPage can contain data sources based on Domino® forms and views.
Binding data elements
XPages controls can be bound to elements of data sources.
Submitting and retrieving data
Bound data items can be submitted to their data sources as new and replacement documents.
Document encryption and decryption in Domino® using XPages
Domino® lets documents be encrypted on the web using XPages.
A detailed look at document encryption and decryption process for XPages in Domino®
Domino® lets documents be encrypted on the web using XPages. Let's look at the details of how this can be done
Sample Secret Key Picker control markup
To better understand how the Secret Key Picker control works with encrypting and decrypting XPages, let's look at some sample markup.
Accessing the ID Vault
The encryption and decryption of documents using XPages requires access to the ID Vault.
Using the dominoIDVaultBean (Java™ - XPages managed) to access the Domino® ID Vault
The dominoIDVaultBean is an object used to maintain the information needed to access the Domino® ID Vault.
Relational Database Management (RDBMS) Support using XPages
When using XPages with the Relational Database Management Support (RDBMS) feature (found in the Extension Library as a plugin), you can directly connect to any relational database that supports a JDBC driver.
Creating and Consuming Database Connections using XPages
XPages uses a connection pool to make the most efficient use of database connections. This method allows for a pluggable architecture that can be used for different implementations.
Setting up the RDBMS feature to connect to your application
The XPages RDBMS feature is installed as part of the product installation process. This topic describes how to do the initial setup required to connect your application to the RDBMS feature.
Making use of the RDBMS extension mechanism
An extension mechanism is part of the RDBMS feature so that you add new connection pools in a more flexible and easy way.
Using logging with RDBMS
The logging feature in the RDBMS plugin lets you test the actual switching being made between connection pools.
Adding images, styles, and themes
You can enhance your design with images, styles, and themes.
Designing with images in XPages
XPages use the image resources within your application for image control and other image settings. As such, working with images in XPages is actually working with image resources. Also, when you want to designate an area for an image but do not have a copy of the image yet, you can create a image placeholder and add the image later. In most locations, an image property of an XPage control can be computed so that the image can be determined at runtime. You can import images from your local machine, add them to XPages and custom controls, and copy them in one application and paste them into another application. You can delete and rename images in applications. Finally, you can also choose a PNG, GIF, JPEG, or BMP file to use as a high quality application icon image for your applications or you can use the classic "16 color" images.
You can import JPEG, BMP, and GIF images into applications from your local file system. After you import images, you can add them to XPages and custom controls. Images that you have imported display in both the Resources > Images section in the Applications Navigator and also as available resources for the Image UI control on the Core Controls palette.
Importing images into applications
Import images from your local file system into your application. You can import images in any of the following file formats: PNG, JPEG, BMP, and GIF. Once you have imported the image you can also rename or delete it.
Adding images and image placeholders to design elements
Add images that you have imported into the application. You can also add image placeholders if you want to reserve space on the XPage or in the control but do not have a copy of the image yet.
Setting image properties
Set and display properties that define how image resources are handled in your application. By selecting the image in the Applications Navigator, you can view file information and set basic and advanced properties including Web Properties, Design options and more.
Adding styles in XPages
If you want to override the default styles provided with the target platform, you can create new styles or import existing styles from your local file system. You can add style sheets to applications and then add them to the XPages within the applications. You can also create custom formatting, export it to a style sheet as a class, and then reuse it across multiple XPages and controls.
Designing with styles
By default, XPages and user interface (UI) controls use the default cascading styles sheets (CSS) provided with Domino® Server. However, you can override Domino Server styles with your own style sheets and custom settings.
Creating style sheets
Create new style sheets and add them to applications.
Importing style sheets
Import style sheets from your local file system and add them to applications.
Setting style sheet properties
Set and display properties that define how style sheet resources are handled in your application. By selecting the style sheet in the Applications Navigator, you can view file information and set basic and advanced properties including Web Properties, Design options and more.
Adding style sheets to Xpages
When you create or import a style sheet and add it to a application, you are ready to add it to XPages within the application. Then, you can apply style classes to XPages and controls. You can also create custom formatting and export style attributes to the style sheet.
Applying style classes
After you create or import style sheets to the application, apply style classes to design elements or compute the class value based on a formula.
Working with custom styles
Create your own custom styles for XPages and controls.
Setting custom font properties
Apply font styles to design elements, for example, the font family, size, color, alignment, and more.
Setting custom background properties
Apply background and border styles to design elements, for example, color and image properties for backgrounds and border style and width properties for borders.
Setting custom margin properties
Apply margin and padding styles to design elements, for example, spacing between controls and their containers or padding between design elements and the edge of the XPage.
Exporting custom formatting to style sheets
When setting custom style properties for design elements, you can export the style attributes into a style sheet as a new style class. Then you can apply the style class to other design elements. Later, if you decide to edit the style class, your changes will take effect in all design elements that are associated with it without having to modify each design element individually.
Designing with themes in XPages
A theme is used to define the look and feel of an application.
Creating a theme resource
Create new themes and add them to applications.
Theme file format
Themes are defined in XML files using specific tags.
Naming theme control entries
Control entries are identified by themeIds. At runtime, the correct style attributes are determined by matching control names.
Setting theme properties
By using a theme you can assign values to any JSF control properties when the XPage is created.
Using value binding
Themes can assign the value of JSF expressions to properties when the XPage is created.
Targeting a technology
Properties of a theme can be targeted to apply specifically to pages created by XPages or Domino® Web Engine technology.
Using inheritance
Themes can inherit properties from a parent theme.
Accessing resources
By using a theme, you can access resources which are automatically inserted into XPages when viewed.
Defining global properties
Use themes to define global or application properties.
Editing a theme resource
Edit an existing theme in the Database Resources.
Saving a theme resource
Save a theme as a database resource.
Copying, pasting, and renaming a theme resource
Copy existing themes to use as templates in applications.
Deleting a theme resource
Delete theme resources and remove them from applications.
Responsive web design support in XPages
The XPages Extension Library supports Bootstrap, a Responsive Web Design (RWD) framework. This support comes in the form of an XPages Responsive Bootstrap plugin that you can use in your XPages applications.
Configuring the Application Layout control to use responsive design
The XPages Responsive Design plug-in adds a renderer for the Application Layout control and a new Application Configuration complex type for the control.
Using the Application Layout wizard with responsive design
To assist with using the responsive design Bootstrap theme, the Application Layout control provides a two page Application Layout wizard.
Using glyphicons as part of responsive design
Instead of graphics and image files, the responsive design feature uses glyphs from the glyphicon font file for icons wherever possible in the XPages and Extension Library controls
Using jQuery as part of responsive design support
jQuery is a JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document navigating, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions used in web application development.
Using the Select2 control with the responsive design feature
The Select2 control lets you limit the number of items that can be selected in a multi-select control. You can use the Select2 control in combination with the responsive design feature.
Using the responsive design feature in unsupported browsers
If you wish to use the responsive design feature and support Internet Explorer 8, you will need to add some extra resources to your server.
Using responsive design controls, properties, and layouts
To assist with creating applications that support a responsive design, Domino Designer provides exclusive responsive design controls, properties, and layouts.
Designing composite applications
You can create composite applications from XPages.
Working with components in XPages
Components based on XPages can be developed with Domino® Designer.
Creating a component (JavaScript™)
Creating a component requires work in both the component and XPage interfaces.
Publishing and receiving events (JavaScript™)
You can use Publish and Receive events to communicate among components in an application.
Specifying an event on the component
On the Events tab in the component, click the Add button to create an event.
Publishing an event on the XPage with JavaScript
On the XPage, you can use a client-side script to publish a defined component event.
Publishing an event on the XPage with a simple action
On the XPage, you can use a client simple action to publish a defined component event.
Receiving an event on the XPage
On the XPage, create an event to receive information from another component.
Using parameters
Parameters require work in both the component and XPage interfaces.
Running an XPage as a component in a composite application
You can run an XPage as a component in a composite application.
XPages uses JavaScript™ for programming while the forms-based design elements use the formula language, LotusScript®, Java™, and JavaScript.
Scripting in XPages
The scripting contexts are event handlers and formulas. The scripting language is JavaScript™ supplemented by simple actions and expression language (EL).
Listed here are the available events.
Simple actions
A simple action performs a pre-programmed activity that can be modified by arguments. Simple actions apply to event handlers. Simple actions can be grouped.
Working with simple actions
You can handle a server or client event with a simple action or groups of simple actions.
Client-side scripting
The triggering of a Client event sends its JavaScript™ code plus the XPage context to an interpreter on the user's client.
Server-side scripting
The triggering of a Server event sends its JavaScript code plus the XPage context to an interpreter on the Web server.
JavaScript™ editor
Use the JavaScript™ editor to create and maintain scripts.
Embedded editor
An embedded window appears as part of the current context and allows immediate editing. The window can be maximized and minimized, then restored with controls at the top right of the window.
Modal editor
A modal editor appears in its own window. Edits are not applied until the window closes.
Setting preferences
You can set preferences to control the JavaScript™ editor.
The editor provides styles, indentation, brace completion, and quotation mark completion.
Content assist
Content assist proposes coding alternatives based on the objects available in the current context.
Reference tab
The Reference tab provides a list of global objects and system libraries.
Outline tab
The Outline tab provides a hierarchical outline of the variables and functions defined in the script.
Schema tab
The Schema tab provides a list of data elements organized by data source.
Syntax errors are detected for server scripts.
JavaScript™ debugger
Use the JavaScript™ debugger to examine server-side JavaScript code during execution on a Domino® server or a Domino preview server (which runs on the Domino Designer client).
Setting up and connecting the JavaScript™ debugger
These steps show you how to adjust the notes.ini file on the run-time machine, create a debug configuration in Domino® Designer, and connect the debugger.
Running the JavaScript™ debugger
The JavaScript™ debugger runs automatically when JavaScript code is encountered. You control the debugger from the Domino® Designer debug interface.
JavaScript™ libraries
A JavaScript™ library allows you to store classes, functions, and variables for common use within an application. A JavaScript library is either a client library or a server library.
Creating script libraries
You can create a library starting with a clean coding area.
Signing script libraries
Script libraries are signed with the ID of the current DDE user upon saving the script library design element, or by selecting an entry in the script libraries view and invoking the sign button.
Importing script libraries
You must import script libraries into XPages to reference them from those XPages.
Adding script libraries
You can add or import a client or server script library to an XPage.
Importing server script libraries
You can import a server script library into JavaScript™ using the import statement.
Eclipse-based LotusScript® editor
The LotusScript® editor in Eclipse (LSEE) is an alternative to the Notes-based LotusScript editor. LSEE takes advantage of the many editing features of Eclipse while retaining most of the Notes® features. You can switch back and forth between the Eclipse and Notes editor by selecting or clearing the related Designer editor Preferences.
Comparing the Eclipse-based and Notes® LotusScript® editors
The LotusScript® editor in Eclipse (LSEE) works somewhat differently from the Notes® LotusScript editor.
Enabling and disabling the Eclipse-based LotusScript® editor
This version of the LotusScript® editor in Eclipse (LSEE) works for LotusScript agents, script libraries, and database scripts.
Creating a LotusScript library
You can use the LotusScript editor in Eclipse (LSEE) to create a library of LotusScript scripts.
Working with code and comment templates
The LotusScript editor in Eclipse (LSEE) lets you create and edit templates to be inserted when you create new code elements. The templates can include variables that are replaced with real values when the new code element is created.
Creating and using code templates
A code template is text that is automatically inserted into the body of new code element definitions. Code templates are extremely useful for enforcing or simplifying programming standards in a team or organization. You can specify uniform error handling, logging, or tracing code, and the LotusScript editor automatically inserts it each time you create a new code element, saving time and preventing accidentally ignoring the standard or making mistakes in its implementation.
Controlling comment generation
The editor automatically generates comments for new libraries, classes, types, functions, subs, property gets, and property sets. You can control the content of these comments, disable automatic comment generation, and manually trigger the creation of a comment.
Code and comment template variables
When you create code and comment templates, you can insert variables that are resolved dynamically at runtime. You can use a variety of date/time, application, object name, and author variables.
Editing a full script or script sections
The LotusScript® editor in Eclipse (LSEE) permits you to work on all sections at once, or one section at a time.
Controlling compilation
Automatic compilation of LotusScript libraries is a preference and is on by default. You can also manually compile all LotusScript in the current application.
Working with error reporting features
The LotusScript editor in Eclipse (LSEE) provides continuous error reporting and support for using Erl() in a user-defined class.
Allowing script documents to be saved with errors
You can optionally save scripts that contain errors. For compilation and execution, the latest script without errors is used. For editing, the latest script is used.
Using help in the user interface
The LotusScript editor in Eclipse (LSEE) provides three kinds of immediate help in the user interface.
Using content assist
Content assist in the LotusScript® editor in Eclipse (LSEE) is similar to auto-completion in the Notes® editor, but not exactly the same.
Using hover help
Hovering over certain elements displays the associated help topic or developer comment if it is available.
Using hyperlinks
Hovering over the name of certain elements makes available a link to the element.
JavaScript and XPages reference
This reference describes the JavaScript™ language elements, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), and other artifacts that you need to create scripts, plus the XPages simple actions.
JavaScript™ language elements (JavaScript™)
The JavaScript™ language elements are based on the ECMAScript Language Specification Standard ECMA-262 (see http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-262.htm). The JavaScript described here applies to the server-side interpreter. Client-side scripts are interpreted by the browser.
Simple actions (JavaScript)
A simple action performs a pre-programmed activity that can be modified by arguments.
Global objects and functions (JavaScript™)
Global objects provide entry points to server-side scripts. Entering the name of a global object instantiates it.
DOM (JavaScript)
Represents a document in XML Document Object Model format.
This library provides access to the HCL Domino® back-end.
Runtime (JavaScript)
The Runtime library contains classes that provide useful methods for globalization.
Standard (JavaScript)
The Standard library contains classes for manipulating data of different types and performing common operations.
XSP (JavaScript™)
The XSP library contains classes that access the browser context.