Deleting a theme resource

Delete theme resources and remove them from applications.

Before you begin

About this task

In some case you may want to delete an existing theme. Use the following steps to delete a theme resource:


  1. Launch Domino® Designer in Eclipse.
  2. Click on the application bookmark that has the theme you wish to work with. This will give the application focus in the Applications Navigator.
  3. Expand the bookmark by clicking on the Expand/Collapse icon to the left of its name. This will display the top level list of design elements available to that application.
  4. Click on the "+" next to the Resources design element to expand the complete list of available resources.
  5. Click on the "+" next to the Themes design element to expand the complete list of available theme resources.
  6. Use one of the following procedures to delete an existing theme:
    1. Click the theme that you wish to delete in the Applications Navigator. Press Delete or select Edit > Delete. Click Yes to confirm that you wish to delete the file.
    2. Select the theme that you wish to delete from the Themes resource list in the Work pane. Press Delete or select Edit > Delete. Click Yes to confirm that you wish to delete the file.