setDoubleValue (DOMDocument - JavaScript)

Sets the double value of an element.

Defined in



setDoubleValue(xpath:string, value:double) : void

setDoubleValue(xpath:string, value:double, selectionNS:NamespaceContext) : void

Parameters Description
xpath XPath of an element in the document.
value The value to be set.
selectionNS A namespace context.


This method is equivalent the XPath signatures of setDoubleValue in DOMElement.

In a schema, this data element should be defined as double. In the data properties, the display type of a bound field should be Number.

This method generates a hierarchy of elements to meet the XPath specification. For example, the specification setDoubleValue("/schema1/element0", 55.55) generates the following XML:

This method replaces all content including child nodes. Append child nodes after calling this method, not before.

If the XPath includes namespace prefixes, either:


(1) This example is for the onclick event of a button. It creates a document and sets a value. The requestScope variable is bound to an edit box on the page so the user specifies n before clicking the button.
var doc = database.createNewDocument();
var dom = doc.getDOM();
dom.setDoubleValue("/schema1/element2", requestScope.n);
(2) This example is for the onclick event of a button. It creates a document and sets a value using namespaces. The requestScope variable is bound to an edit box on the page so the user specifies n before clicking the button.
var doc = database.createNewDocument();
var dom = doc.getDOM();
var ns = new NamespaceContextImpl();
ns.addNamespace("s", "");
dom.setDoubleValue("/s:schema1/s:element3", requestScope.n, ns);