freeResourceSearch (NotesSession - JavaScript)

Searches for free resource slots for calendaring and scheduling.

Defined in



freeResourceSearch(start:DateTime, end:DateTime, site:string, type:int, maxresults:int, user:string, mincapacity:int, appytUNID:string, server:string, outputversion:int) : java.util.Vector
Parameter Description
start DateTime. The start time that the resource is free.
end DateTime. The end time that the resource is free.
site String. Site name information.
type Integer. The type of resource that is free.
maxresults Integer. The maximum number of results you want returned from this search. Default is set to 1.
user String. Option. The user who is searching for the resource. The default is the current user.
mincapacity Integer. Option. The minimum capacity limit of the resource. Set this to 0 to ignore the capacity limit. The default is 0.
apptUNID String. Option. The UNID for a specific appointment. If you search a resource for a reschedule, this parameter is useful. The default is NULL.
server String. Option. The name of the server which includes the directory and busy-time for your search. The default is "".
outputversion Integer. Option. Function version number. For example, AVAILABLERESOURCESLOOKUP_VERSION_0(0) Return value
Return value Description
java.util.Vector You are returned a vector of strings - one for each room available in the given time range. The format of each string is: ResourceName;Capacity;Email. This represents a sample string: CN=Room 2001/O=Boston Building 1;50;

Language cross-reference

freeResourceSearch method in LotusScript® NotesSession class

freeResourceSearch method in Java Session class
