remove (NoteCollection - Java)

Removes one or more notes from a note collection.

Defined in



public void remove(Agent removalspecifier)
    throws NotesException
public void remove(Document removalspecifier)
    throws NotesException
public void remove(DocumentCollection removalspecifier)
    throws NotesException
public void remove(Form removalspecifier)
    throws NotesException
public void remove(NoteCollection removalspecifier)
    throws NotesException
public void remove(View removalspecifier)
    throws NotesException
public void remove(String removalspecifier)
    throws NotesException
public void remove(int removalspecifier)
    throws NotesException


Agent removalspecifier

An Agent object representing the note to be removed.

Document removalspecifier

A Document object representing the note to be removed.

DocumentCollection removalspecifier

A DocumentCollection object representing the note to be removed.

Form removalspecifier

A Form object representing the note to be removed.

NoteCollection removalspecifier

A NoteCollection object representing the note to be removed.

View removalspecifier

A View object representing the note to be removed.

String removalspecifier

The note ID of the note to be removed.

int removalspecifier

The note ID of the note to be removed.
