Open (NotesDatabase - LotusScript®)
Opens a database. A database must be open in order to access all its properties and methods. For details on accessing the properties and methods of a database, see the Usage section in NotesDatabase.
Defined in
flag = notesDatabase .Open( server$ , dbfile$ )
Call notesDatabase .Open()
String. The name of the server on which the database resides. Use an empty string ("") to indicate a database on the current computer, or for a NotesDatabase that's already assigned to a database.
String. The file name of the database to open. Use an empty string for a NotesDatabase that's already assigned to a database.
Return value
- True indicates that the database exists and was opened
- False indicates that there is no database at the location specified
Use the Open method as follows:
- In LotusScript®,
use Open to open a NotesDatabase object that's already assigned to
an existing database. Both parameters must be empty strings (or they
must match the server and file name of the existing database):
db.Open( "", "" )
The script returns an error if you try to reassign its server or file name using Open.
- In COM, use Open to open a NotesDatabase object that's already
assigned to an existing database. No parameters are allowed.
- In LotusScript®,
use Open to open a NotesDatabase object not yet assigned to an existing
database. You must specify a server and a file name. The server name
parameter can be an empty string (to indicate a database on the current
computer), but the file name parameter cannot be empty.
Access level to a database
You need at least Reader access to a database to call Open. An error is returned if you do not have access.