OpenDatabaseIfModified (NotesDbDirectory - LotusScript®)
Opens a database if it has been modified since a specified date.
Note: This method is new with Release 5.0.2b.
Note: This method is supported in COM only. For LotusScript®, use the OpenIfModified method
in NotesDatabase.
Defined in
Set notesDatabase = notesDbDirectory .OpenDatabaseIfModified( dbfile$ , notesDateTime )
The file name of the database that you want to open.
A cutoff date. If one or more documents in the database were modified since this date, the database is opened; if not, it is not opened.
Return value
The opened database.
This method raises error 023C if the database has not been modified since the specified date.
This method usually raises ERR_SYS_FILE_NOT_FOUND (error 0FA3) if the database does not exist. However, other errors may occur or the method may return an object with blank properties.