Examples: Onselect event
This Onselect event checks a newly selected document and issues an alert if it has been modified since the date it was created. The global variable lastCaretID is used to determine if the document is newly selected.
REM Globals
Dim lastCaretID As Variant
lastCaretID = "000"
Sub Onselect(Source As Notesuiview)
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
caretNoteID$ = Source.CaretNoteID
If lastCaretID <> caretNoteID$ Then ' we only process if the highlighted row has changed
lastCaretID = caretNoteID$
noteID$ = "NT00000" + caretNoteID$
Set doc = db.GetDocumentByID( caretNoteID$ )
moddate$ = Strleft(doc.LastModified, " ") ' we only care about the date
createdate$ = Strleft(doc.Created, " ")
If moddate$ > createdate$ Then
Messagebox "This document has been modified since it was created",, _
"Modification alert"
End If
End If
End Sub