Examples: logAction method

This agent logs actions to a mail memo. It performs a full-text search on the current database, and logs one action for each document that matches the full-text search query.

Each time the logAction method is called, it adds a new line to the Body item of the mail memo. For example, if FTSearch returns a collection of three documents, the body of the mail memo looks like this:

09/14/98 01:41:51 PM Botany Agent starting 09/14/98 01:41:52 PM Document [Petals] placed in folder. 09/14/98 01:41:52 PM Document [Stems] placed in folder. 09/14/98 01:41:52 PM Document [Leaves] placed in folder.

import lotus.domino.*;
import java.util.Vector;
public class JavaAgent extends AgentBase {
  public void NotesMain() {
    try {
      Session session = getSession();
      AgentContext agentContext = session.getAgentContext();
      // (Your code goes here) 
      Log log = session.createLog("Botany Agent");
      Vector v = new Vector();
      log.openMailLog(v, "Log for botany agent");
      Database db = agentContext.getCurrentDatabase();
      DocumentCollection dc = db.FTSearch("botany", 0);
      Document doc = dc.getFirstDocument();
      while (doc != null) {
        doc.putInFolder("Botanist's Delight");
        log.logAction("Document " +
        doc.getItemValue("Subject") +
        " placed in folder.");
        doc = dc.getNextDocument();
    } catch(Exception e) {