createEntry (Outline - Java)

Creates an outline entry and adds it to the outline.

Note: All the methods except createEntry(String entryName) are new in Release 5.0.2.

Defined in



public OutlineEntry createEntry(OutlineEntry fromEntry)
    throws NotesException
public OutlineEntry createEntry(OutlineEntry fromEntry, OutlineEntry referenceEntry)
    throws NotesException
public OutlineEntry createEntry(OutlineEntry fromEntry, OutlineEntry referenceEntry, boolean after)
    throws NotesException
public OutlineEntry createEntry(OutlineEntry fromEntry, OutlineEntry referenceEntry, boolean after, boolean asChild)
    throws NotesException
public OutlineEntry createEntry(String entryName)
    throws NotesException
public OutlineEntry createEntry(String entryName, OutlineEntry 
    throws NotesException

public OutlineEntry createEntry(String entryName, OutlineEntry
referenceEntry, boolean after)
    throws NotesException

public OutlineEntry createEntry(String entryName, OutlineEntry
referenceEntry, boolean after, boolean asChild)
    throws NotesException


OutlineEntry fromEntry

The entry to be copied.

String entryName

The name of the entry.

OutlineEntry referenceEntry

The entry after or before which the entry is being placed.

boolean after

true (default) to place the entry after the specified reference entry.

boolean asChild

true to place the entry as a child of the specified reference entry. The default is false.


The createEntry(OutlineEntry fromEntry) methods create a copy of an existing outline entry and add it to the outline. The createEntry(String entryName) methods create a new outline entry and add it to the outline.

You must save the outline or the effect of this method is lost when the program exits.
