Aligning and rearranging elements in a layout region


  1. Open a form.
  2. Click the layout region and choose Design - Layout Properties.
  3. On the Layout Info tab, click "Show grid" to see the current spacing between elements.
  4. Do one or more of the following to align and rearrange elements:
    • Click "Snap to grid" to align all elements with the grid.
    • Change the grid size if you want a narrower or wider arrangement of elements.
    • Click and drag an element to move it to a new location within the layout region.
    • Click an element and choose Design - Send to Back to move it behind all other elements. Choose Design - Send Back One to move the element behind one other element.
    • Click an element and choose Design - Bring to Front to overlay all other elements. Choose Design - Bring Forward One to overlay one other element.