addUserToAddressBook (Registration - Java)

Creates a Person record in a Domino® Directory based on a user ID file and optionally attaches the ID file.

Defined in



public boolean addUserToAddressBook(String idfile, String fullname, String lastn)
    throws NotesException
public boolean addUserToAddressBook(String idfile, String fullname, String lastn, String userpw)
    throws NotesException

public boolean addUserToAddressBook(String idfile, String fullname, String lastn, String userpw, String firstn, String middle, String mailserv, String mailfilepath, String fwdaddr, String location, String comment)
    throws NotesException


String idfile

The ID file for the user to be added to the Domino® Directory; specify the full path, for example, c:\notes\data\

String fullname

The user's full name.

String lastn

The user's last name.

String userpw

The password for the user ID file.

String firstn

The user's first name.

String middle

The user's middle name.

String mailserv

The name of the user's mail server specified in canonical format.

String mailfilepath

The relative pathname for the user's mail file, for example, mail\jyip.nsf.

String fwdaddr

The user's forwarding mail address.

String location

A value for the location field in the Domino® Directory record.

String comment

A value for the comment field in the Domino® Directory record.

Return value


Returns true if the operation is successful; false otherwise.


Set StoreIDInAddressBook true to attach the ID to the Domino® Directory record.

This method acts on the Domino® Directory (names.nsf) for the server specified by RegistrationServer, or names.nsf in the local Domino® data directory if this property is not set.

StoreIDInAddressBook must be true

This method occurs automatically with registerNewUser if UpdateAddressBook is true.
