Accessing international settings using Java™
The International class represents the international (regional) settings of the operating environment. You can access the international settings through getInternational in Session.
The following methods access the International properties:
- getCurrencyDigits returns an int value containing the number of decimal digits for number format.
- getDecimalSep returns a String value containing the decimal separator for number format.
- getThousandsSep returns a String value containing the thousands separator for number format.
- isCurrencyZero returns a boolean value that is true if fractions have a zero before the decimal point for number format.
- getCurrencySymbol returns a String value containing the symbol that indicates a number is currency.
- isCurrencySpace returns a boolean value that is true if currency format has a space between the currency symbol and the number.
- isCurrencySuffix returns a boolean value that is true if the currency symbol follows the number in currency format.
- getAMString returns a String value containing the AM designator.
- getPMString returns a String value containing the PM designator.
- getTimeSep returns a String value containing the character used to separate hours, minutes, and seconds.
- getTimeZone returns an int value containing the time zone.
- isTime24Hour returns a boolean value that is true if the time format is 24-hour.
- getDateSep returns a String value containing the character used to separate months, days, and years.
- getToday returns a String value containing the today designator for time-date format.
- getTomorrow returns a String value containing the tomorrow designator for time-date format.
- getYesterday returns a String value containing the yesterday designator for time-date format.
- isDateDMY returns a boolean value that is true if the order of the date format is day-month-year.
- isDateMDY returns a boolean value that is true if the order of the date format is month-day-year.
- isDateYMD returns a boolean value that is true if the order of the date format is year-month-day.
- isDST returns a boolean value that is true if the date format reflects daylight-saving time.
- getParent returns a Session object representing the current session.