Naming a range
Make formulas easier to write and understand by naming important cell ranges and using the names in place of range addresses in formulas.
- In an open spreadsheet, drag to select the range you want to name.
- Click .
- Enter a range name.Note:
- You must start a range name with a letter, backslash (\), or underscore (_). Do not start with a number, or the words "true" or "false". A range name can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores. Do not include any spaces in the name.
- Do not use the letters "r" or "c" by themselves as a name, as these letters are shortcut keys in HCL Connections™ Docs spreadsheets. Do not create names that look like cell addresses, such as Q2 or FY98. Do not give your range a name like "A1:B2" or "R1C1:R2C2", which already refers to a specific range on your spreadsheet and which may be misinterpreted as such by HCL Docs spreadsheets.
- Names are not case-sensitive. The range name must be greater than zero characters, but less than 256 characters.
- If you did not yet specify the address the range refers
to, take one of the following actions:
- With the New Range window still open, drag in the sheet to select the range. The range address is displayed automatically in the Refers to field.
- Manually enter the range address in the Refers to field.
- Click OK.