Installing DB2® files on an HCL Docs server
Each individual Docs server requires copies of the appropriate driver files to allow them to access the DB2 databases for HCL Docs. Use the following procedure to copy them to each of your individual Docs servers.
About this task
Note: This only needs to be completed on the Docs servers,
and not the Viewer, Conversion or Proxy servers.
- Log in to the IBM® DB2® server.
- Find the IBM® DB2® driver files (db2jcc.jar, db2jcc4.jar and db2jcc_license_cu.jar)
in the DB2® install location,
for example:
- Windows™: C:\IBM\SQLLIB\java
- Linux™: /opt/IBM/db2/V10.5/java. The path varies depending on which version of DB2 you have installed.
- Copy the files to the same path on each Docs server. For
example: /opt/IBM/SQLLIB.Note: In later installation steps, you must fill in this path into cfg.propeties or GUI.