Customizing product name

After installing and deploying HCL Docs, you can customize the product name.


  1. To customize the Editor application, do the following steps:
    1. Customize concord-config.json.
      1. Log in HCL Docs WebSphere Deployment Manager.
      2. Locate the concord-config.json file, for example, /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01/config/cells/${CELL_NAME}/IBMDocs-config/concord-config.json.
      3. Back up concord-config.json.
      4. Revise the following section in concord-config.json:
          "build-info" :
                "product_name" : "IBM Connections Docs",
                "build_version" : "1.4.3",
                "build_timestamp" : "20151208-2200",
                "build_description" : "IBM Connections Docs 1.4.3"
      5. Synchronize the change to all nodes.
    2. Customize JSP pages.
      1. Log in HCL Docs WebSphere Deployment Manager.
      2. Change to Application JSP pages folder, for example, /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/installedApps/${CELL_NAME}/IBMDocs.ear/
      3. Customize app.jsp page. Find the following variable and change the value: var g_prodName = "Docs"
      4. Customize login.jsp. Find and change the words in following sections:
        <div class="lotusLogo" id="lotusLogo"><span class="lotusAltText">IBM Connections</span></div>
        <script>document.getElementById("pFindOut").innerHTML = dojo.string.substitute(resourceBundle.login_find_out, 
        ['<a href=""></a>']);</script>
        Delete the following section to remove the Logo:
        <span class="lotusRight" aria-hidden="true"><img role="presentation" src="<%= contextPath + staticRootPath 
        %>/images/lc3/blank.gif" alt="IBM" class="lotusIBMLogo"><span class="lotusAltText">IBM</span></span>
      5. Repeat the above step i to step iv for on all HCL Docs Editor application servers.
  2. To customize the Viewer application, do the following steps:
    1. Customize JSP pages
      1. Log in Viewer application server.
      2. Change to Application JSP pages folder, for example, /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/installedApps/${CELL_NAME}/ViewerApp.ear/
      3. Customize product.jsp. Find the following variable and change the value.
        var g_prodName = "Viewer"
        var g_docsProdName = "HCL Docs";
      4. Customize login.jsp. Find the following variables and change the value:
        <div class="lotusLogo" id="lotusLogo"><span class="lotusAltText">IBM Connections</span></div>
        <script>document.getElementById("pFindOut").innerHTML = dojo.string.substitute(resourceBundle.login_find_out, 
        ['<a href=""></a>']);</script>
      5. Repeat step i to step iv for on all Viewer application servers.