Configuring the Domino server to use the Web SSO Configuration Document
Configure the HCL Domino server to use the Web SSO Configuration Document
- In Domino Administrator, click Files, and then open the server's Address Book (NAMES.NSF).
- Select the Servers view.
- Open the server that you want to configure.
- Navigate to the Internet Protocols/Domino Web Engine.
- Change to Edit mode.
- Select your newly created Web SSO Document in the Web SSO Configuration window.
- Save and close.
Using the Domino console, stop and start the HTTP task by issuing the following commands:
- tell http quit
load httpNote: The commands tell http restart or restart task http cannot read the updated SSO configuration.
To test the SSO on Sametime proxy server:
- Open a browser to your ICN or Docs page and sign in.
- In the same browser page (or a new tab), change the url to http://<YOUR_ST_PROXY_SERVER>/stwebclient/popup.jsp , beware that replace <YOUR_ST_SERVER> with the actual address (might be an appendix with port number, depending on Same Time server settings).
- The expected result is that you are automatically logged in. If you see a login screen, your configuration is not correct.
To test the SSO on Sametime community server:
- Open a browser to your ICN or Docs page and sign in.
- In the same browser page (or a new tab), change the url to http://<YOUR_ST_COMMUNITY_SERVER>/stcenter.nsf, beware that replace <YOUR_ST_COMMUNITY_SERVER> with the actual address (might be an appendix with port number, depending on Same Time server settings).
- The expected result is that you are shown as logged in.