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Accessibility features

Accessibility features help users who have a physical disability, such as restricted mobility or limited vision, to use software products successfully.

HCL Digital Experience offerings use the W3C Standard to ensure compliance to US Section 508 and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1. The best accessibility experience is provided by using the newest release of the browser and the newest release of the screen reader. For more information, see the following URLs:

HCL Digital Experience offerings include the following products:

  • HCL Customer Experience Suite

  • HCL Employee Experience Suite

  • HCL Portal Server

  • HCL Portal Enable

  • HCL Portal Express

  • HCL Digital Experience Manager

  • HCL Web Content Manager

  • HCL Digital Experience Cloud Native v9.5

This version of HCL Digital Experience together with included authoring tools:

  • Supports installation through a command-line interface known as console mode. It is the accessible equivalent of installing by using the graphical user interface.

  • Supports interfaces commonly used by screen readers and screen magnifiers (Windows only).

  • Supports use of screen-reader software and digital speech synthesizers to hear what is displayed on the screen.

  • Can be operated with only the keyboard.

  • Allows the user to request more time to complete timed responses.

  • Supports customization of display attributes such as color, contrast, and font size.

  • Communicates all information independently of color.

  • Supports the attachment of alternative input and output devices.

  • Supports alternatives to audio information.

  • Supports adjustable volume control.

  • Does not flash the screen at rates that can induce epileptic seizures.

  • Provides documentation in an accessible format.

To create and publish content, users can use the HCL Web Content Manager authoring portlet. For more information, see Authoring portlet accessibility features. HCL DX content authors and developers users can also create and publish content or applications by using local accessible editors and the Script Application command line option. For more information, read Script Application Limitations. For supported browsers, refer to the HCL Digital Experience System Requirements.

HCL Digital Experience Help Center Documentation Accessibility

The HCL Digital Experience Help Center documentation includes the following features to aid accessibility:

  • All documentation is available in HTML formats to give the maximum opportunity for users to apply screen-reader software technology.

  • All images in the documentation are provided with alternative text so that users with vision impairments can understand the contents of the images.

When appropriate, the documentation for specific product features contains more information about accessibility.