Starting and stopping servers, deployment managers, and node agents
Various installation and configuration tasks require you to start and stop IBM WebSphere Application Server and the HCL Digital Experience application servers, deployment managers, and node agents.
Run the following command if you have a clustered environment or you renamed the HCL Portal server as HCL Portal and HCL Web Content Manager
- AIX and Linux: ./ HCL Portal and HCL Web Content Manager
- Windows: startServer.bat HCL Portal and HCL Web Content Manager
Open a command prompt and change to the following directory:
In a clustered environment, use the dmgr_profile_root directory and not the wp_profile_root directory.
- Windows™: wp_profile_root\bin
- AIX®, Linux™: wp_profile_root/bin
Complete the following steps to start the servers, deployment managers, and node agents
Server Steps Deployment manager Enter the following command:
- AIX and Linux:./
- Windows:startManager.bat
Node agent Enter the following command:
- AIX and Linux:./
- Windows:startNode.bat
HCL Portal server Enter the following command:
- AIX and Linux:./ HCL Portal and HCL Web Content Manager
- Windows:startServer.bat HCL Portal and HCL Web Content Manager
Complete the following steps to stop the servers, deployment managers, and node agents:
Server Steps HCL Portal server Enter the following command:
- AIX and Linux:./ HCL Portal and HCL Web Content Manager
- Windows:stopServer.bat HCL Portal and HCL Web Content Manager
Node agent Enter the following command:
- AIX and Linux:./
- Windows:stopNode.bat
Deployment manager Enter the following command:
- AIX and Linux:./
- Windows:stopManager.bat
In a clustered environment, you can use the deployment manager WebSphere® Integrated Solutions Console to stop and start the application servers that are managed by the deployment manager:
Option Steps Start a specific application server in a cell Complete the following steps to start a specific application server in a cell:
1. Open the deployment manager WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console.
2. Click Servers > Application Servers.
3. Select the server and click Start.Start the entire cluster Complete the following steps to start the entire cluster:
1. Open the deployment manager WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console.
2. Click Servers > Clusters.
3. Select the cluster and click Start or Ripple Start.Stop a specific server in a cell Complete the following steps to stop a specific application server in a cell:
1. Open the deployment manager WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console.
2. Click Servers > Application Servers.
3. Select the server and click Stop or Immediate Stop.Stop the entire cluster Complete the following steps to stop the entire cluster:
1. Open the deployment manager WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console.
2. Click Servers > Clusters.
3. Select the cluster and click Stop or Immediate Stop.
Related information
- Changing ports
- Changing the portal URI after an installation
- DB2: Enabling support for high availability data replication
- Removing attributes
- Adding a database user registry in a clustered environment
- Adding a database user registry in a stand-alone environment
- Updating the database user registry
- Integrating HCL Connections profile
- Configure authentication
- Configuring OpenID authentication
- Integrating with Transient Users with OpenID Connect
- Cryptographic hardware for SSL acceleration
- Creating and configuring federated repositories
- Updating federated repositories
- Changing the login and logout pages
- Managing access control with external security managers
- Accessing the Configuration Wizard
- Reusing group information
- Enabling and disabling impersonation
- Managing Single sign-on settings in your cluster
- System event logging