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Use the Digital Experience Portal Search feature to search for text that is displayed in websites that are created by HCL Web Content Manager and additional web sources integrated to your Digital Experience platform.

  1. HCL Digital Experience Portal Search
    Use HCL Digital Experience Portal Search to facilitate indexing content sources and searching for information. You can administer search services, search collections, and search scopes, as well as enhance the search experience of your portal site with the portal search portlets. Refer to the topics below for additional information.
  2. Searching pages
    By selecting a search type in Manage Pages, you can quickly locate and work with pages, labels, or URLs.
  3. Search Center
    Use the Search Center to search for documents.
  4. Searching for tagged content
    Users can search the tag space by using the browser search box.
  5. Planning and preparing for Portal Search
    Learn about some planning considerations and first steps that you need to apply before working with Portal Search.
  6. Indexing web content
    To search for web content, your content must first be indexed by the HCL Portal search engine. When the content is indexed, you can run searches by using the search center or by using a search component. If you search for documents in the WebSphere Portal search center, be aware that you see search results for published documents only. Unpublished pending changes in a project are not included in the results.
  7. Configuring Web Content Manager search options
    You can edit the following search options to manage how the search service works with Web Content Manager search forms.
  8. Configuring Search Center to search for web content
    You can use the Search Center to search for web content by adding a web content search collection to the Search Center.
  9. Language and region support in Portal Search
    Depending on your portal environment and your users, you might want to make multilingual content available and searchable in your portal.
  10. Crawling web content with search seedlists
    Portal Search supports the use of seedlists to make crawling websites and their metadata more efficient and to provide content owners fine-grained control over how content and metadata are crawled. You can configure the portal to use seedlist support when crawling content generated with HCL Web Content Manager.
  11. Searching your local portal
    View information on setting up your local portal for your users to search.
  12. Configuring your portal site for search by internet search engines
    You can enable your portal site for search by using search services such as Google or Yahoo! Search on your portal site by external search services works for public portal pages only, that is, for pages that users can access without a user ID and password.
  13. Enabling anonymous users to search public pages of your portal
    You can enable anonymous users (sometimes also called unauthenticated users) to search public pages of your portal by using the portal Search Center portlet. Search by anonymous users works only on public pages of your portal, as the users are not logged in to your portal.
  14. Configuring your custom portal themes to include the search box
    Enable your portal users to use the Portal Search box and Search portlet in your own custom theme.
  15. Redirecting search requests from a custom search form to the Search Center
    If you plan to develop a custom search form, you might want to redirect search requests issued by the search form to the Search Center.
  16. Remote search service
    You can configure the search portlets for local operation, or you can configure them for remote search service. Depending on your configuration, remote search service might have performance benefits by offloading and balancing system load.
  17. Configuring search in a cluster
    HCL Digital Experience provides two distinct search capabilities. You can use both types of search capabilities in a clustered environment.
  18. Configuring search in a portal farm
    HCL Digital Experience provides two distinct search capabilities. You can use both types of search capabilities in a portal farm environment.
  19. Configuring search collections for a virtual portal
    Configuring JCR search collections for a virtual portal might require additional administration, depending on how you set up the virtual portal. -->
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