Take note of the following limitations when using HCL Content Reporting:
Generating a report
- For the Expiry date criteria, no results are returned if the same date is used in the From and To fields.
- For the Word criteria, a dash (-) is considered a delimiter for splitting the text entered. For example, if you search for "AT-Product-Item", results are returned for three different words: AT, Product, and Item.
- After generating a report, there is no option to sort the report table.
Using the Bulk Updates feature
- The bulk updates feature has been tested to work with a maximum of 5000 items. Working with items more than this amount might lead to performance issues.
- The bulk updates feature does not have project scope (HCL Digital Experience Projects) capabilities.
- You can only update the expiration date of items.
- Updates can only be applied in bulk to content items, site areas, authoring templates, components, categories, and items with Edit access.
- Items that are not assigned a workflow are excluded from the updates.
- When updating expiration dates, you can only select a date and the default time is 12:00 a.m.
- The status of bulk update requests is not tracked in real-time; the status is updated every 10 seconds.
- Selecting a subset of items in the report for update is not allowed.
Exporting reports to a CSV file
- The CSV export function uses the browser's blob storage. If a large CSV export is attempted, users might encounter out-of-memory errors with the browser. This prevents the successful download of any large file.
- Selecting a subset of items in the report for export is not allowed.
Supported languages
- The Content Reporting UI is in English and it is not yet translated to other languages.
User interface
Note that the following pages do not support server-side pages, which might cause an unstable UI when processing large amounts of data.
Content Reporting Updates page
Content Reporting Update Report Dialog page