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Developing portlets

Get an overview of the process of creating portlets, learn about the concepts of the APIs used to develop portlets, and view the samples to get you started. Also, learn about integrating features such as single sign-on, cooperative sharing of information using the property broker, and migrating Struts applications to the portlet environment.

HCL Digital Experience supports portlets written to the standard portlet API.

  • If you are not an experienced Java™ developer...

    you can quickly integrate many of your existing resources into HCL Portal without developing your own portlets.

  • If you have Java and servlet development experience but are new to portlet development...

    you should start by reading Portlet concepts and Standard portlet API. When you are ready to start developing portlets, see Creating a simple portlet for samples that demonstrate common features of the API.

  • If you are already familiar with portlet development using either the standard portlet API, see the following Help Center documentation topics:

    • See Portlet communication for more information how you can enable portlets to share information with other portlets on the page, using the property broker service.
    • See Collaborative Services API and the person tag for more information how you can integrate collaborative functionality into your portlets, such as online status, chat, and email.
  • See JavaServer Faces implementation for HCL's support statement about JSF 2.2 Support with HCL DX Portlet Bridge.

Rational® Application Developer includes tools designed to help you develop portlet applications for HCL Digital Experience.