Updating files in wps.ear | HCL Digital Experience

This section shows how to use wsadmin commands to update web.xml and web_merged.xml for wps.ear.

About this task

Whenever changes are made to the SSL configuration, you must update the web.xml and web_merged.xml files in wps.ear. The steps in this section can be used to update these files within wps.ear and propagate them correctly throughout the environment.
Note: For a clustered environment, perform these steps on the Deployment Manager.


  1. Ensure the Portal server is started. (Dmgr, if clustered).
  2. Open a command window.
  3. From the <profile_root>/bin directory, launch the wsadmin tool.
    ./wsadmin.sh -user <PortalAdminId> -password <PortalAdminPwd> -lang jython -port <WAS_SOAP_port>

    Replace the values in <> with those for your environment.

    ./wsadmin.sh -user wpsadmin -password wpsadmin -lang jython -port 10033
  4. Run the command to export the wps application. In this example, the EAR file will be written to /tmp/wps.ear/AdminApp.export('wps','/tmp/wps.ear')
  5. Open a new command window to run the EARExpander tool.
  6. From the <profile_root>/bin directory, extract the EAR file using EARExpander.
    ./EARExpander.sh -ear /tmp/wps.ear -operationDir /tmp/wpsear_expanded -operation expand -expansionFlags all
  7. Make the updates to the web.xml and web_merged.xml files.
  8. Run the EARExpander tool to compress the EAR file.
    ./EARExpander.sh -ear /tmp/wps.ear -operationDir /tmp/wpsear_expanded -operation collapse
  9. Back in the wsadmin command prompt, run this command to deploy the updated wps.ear file.
    AdminApp.update('wps', 'app', ['-operation', 'update', '-contents', '/tmp/wps.ear', '-deployejb.classpath', '<PortalServer_root>/base/wp.base/shared/app/wp.base.jar'])

    Replace the value in <PortalServer_root> with the path for the PortalServer binaries your environment.

    AdminApp.update('wps', 'app', ['-operation', 'update', '-contents', '/tmp/wps.ear', '-deployejb.classpath', '/opt/IBM/WebSphere/PortalServer/base/wp.base/shared/app/wp.base.jar'])
  10. Commit the changes to the WAS configuration with this command.
  11. Exit the wsadmin tool.
  12. Optional: Sync the nodes, if clustered.