Troubleshooting Installation | HCL Digital Experience

These are some solutions to problems with installing Content Template.

Content Template 4.4 cannot be installed

Content Template 4.4 can only be installed on a server where the Page Templates page is located under the Hidden Pages page.
You might see something similar to the following message in the ConfigTrace.log or on the command line you ran the install from:
[xmlaccess] EJPXB0002I: Reading input file /opt/WebSphere/wp_profile/ConfigEngine/config/work/components/wp.ctc.templates/ctc-template-portlets.xml
[xmlaccess] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt; 
[xmlaccess] <!-- HCL Portal/ build wp8001CF07_001_15 exported on Tue Aug 13 15:44:38 EST 2013 from min70mig.wcm.lab/ --&gt; 
[xmlaccess] <request build="wp8001CF07_001_15" type="update" version="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"&gt; 
[xmlaccess] <status element="all" result="ok"/&gt; [xmlaccess] </request&gt; 
[xmlaccess] EJPXB0020I: The request was processed successfully on the server. 
[echo] EJPCE0150I: Xmlaccess script completed successfully ctc-template-portlets.xml 
[copy] Copying 1 file to /opt/WebSphere/wp_profile/ConfigEngine/config/work/components/wp.ctc.templates 
[xmlaccess] EJPXB0006I: Connecting to URL http://localhost:10039/wps/config/ 
[xmlaccess] EJPXB0002I: Reading input file /opt/WebSphere/wp_profile/ConfigEngine/config/work/components/wp.ctc.templates/ctc-templates.xml [xmlaccess] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt; 
[xmlaccess] <!-- HCL Portal/ build wp8001CF07_001_15 exported on Tue Aug 13 15:44:42 EST 2013 from min70mig.wcm.lab/ --&gt; 
[xmlaccess] <request build="wp8001CF07_001_15" type="update" version="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"&gt; 
[xmlaccess] <status element="" result="failed"&gt; 
[xmlaccess] <message id="EJPXA0001E"&gt;EJPXA0001E: An error occurred while processing the XML configuration request.</message&gt; 
[xmlaccess] <message&gt;has-system-mapping attribute of the content-mapping-info element must not be true if a system mapping is not specified and the parent page does not have a system mapping</message&gt; 
[xmlaccess] <stacktrace&gt;<![CDATA[ [xmlaccess] EJPXA0001E: An error occurred while processing the XML configuration request. 
[xmlaccess] at [xmlaccess] at
Additionally, you may also see a message similar to this message in the log:
[xmlaccess] EJPXB0015E: Server response indicates an error. 
[echo] EJPCE0104E: Error running scripts at: /opt/WebSphere/wp_profile/paa/wp.ctc/components/wp.ctc.templates/xmlaccess/install/ctc-templates.xml. EJPCE0160I: Verify the PortalAdminId and PortalAdminPwd are set correctly in the file 
[echo] deploy-apps-applySIFeaturePack EJPCE0101E: Extension point implementation task failure on component for the following assembly: wp.ctc, component components/wp.ctc.templates [echo] 
[si-deploy-paa-content] EJPCE0016E: Task has failed to complete with the following arguements: ConfigExtensionList=-applySIFeaturePack, ComponentList=components/wp.ctc.templates,components/,components/wp.ctc,components/wp.ctc.sitetemplates,components/wp.ctc.demo, FunctionalArea=featurepackSI 
[echo] [deploy-paa]: wp.ctc /opt/WebSphere/wp_profile/paa.EJPCE0007E: Task failed to complete. Please check logs for further details  

/opt/WebSphere/PortalServer/solutionInstaller/ [deploy-paa]: wp.ctc 
/opt/WebSphere/wp_profile/paa.EJPCE0007E: Task failed to complete. Please check logs for further details</p>
This can happen when the Page Templates page is not located under the Hidden Pages page.
If the Page Templates page is not located under the Hidden Pages page:
  • Update the page templates as described in the portal migration documentation. For instructions, see Updating page templates.
  • You can alternately run the installation script again with UPGRADE_CTC_3=true in This moves the page templates into the hidden pages location.