Integrating your site with social media | HCL Digital Experience

The Content Template Catalog templates provide sample integration with social media services, but you will typically replace these with a customized implementation.

About this task

Before testing social media integration in the Content Template templates or customized templates, make the server publicly accessible. The social media service is likely to do a callback to the provided URL, and fails if the server is not accessible.
Note: Due to restrictions with the Facebook and Twitter API, these social media tools will not work if the website is accessed by using a short DNS host name. The full server host name must be used for the social media buttons to work correctly.
For Twitter:
  1. Create a Twitter button by going to this URL:
  2. Use these settings:
    • URL: [PathCmpnt type="noprefixbase"][URLCmpnt context="portalContext" type="content" mode="static" htmlencode="true"]
    • Tweet Text: [Property context="portalContext" type="content" field="title"]
    • Via: Your Twitter account
  3. Copy the generated code and replace the markup in this component: CTC Design>Components>Fragments>Tweet Button
You are now able to track who is sharing your content by using your Twitter account
For Facebook:
  1. Create a Like button by going to this URL:
  2. Use these settings:
    • URL: Facebook requires a real URL, so you cannot use Web Content Manager tags. Use a temporary URL instead. For example: http://replaceme
  3. Click Get Code.
  4. Click the IFRAME link in the dialog.
  5. Copy the code and replace the markup in this component: CTC Design>Components>Fragments>Like Button
  6. Replace http://replaceme with [PathCmpnt type="noprefixbase"][URLCmpnt context="portalContext" type="content" mode="static" htmlencode="true"]
If you have a Facebook app, your appid is in the url. Now you can track who likes your content in the Facebook app.