Working with portal pages and other resources | HCL Digital Experience
The following exercise shows you some steps how to work with portal resources, such as pages and portlets, search for resources and information about them, and add a portlet to a page.
About this task
- Searching for a portal page:
- Search for the Getting Started page. Enter the following command and
specify the page by its unique name:
If a page with the specified unique name exists, the Portal Scripting Interface returns the object ID of the page as follows:wsadmin>Content.find("page", "un", "ibm.portal.Home.Getting Started")
If you are not sure whether the resource is a page or a label you can specify the type any instead of page. In this case, you get the following response:wsadmin>Content.find("page", "un", "ibm.portal.Home.Getting Started") 'Z6_CGAH47L00OJCC0I6U1NESJ2GK0'
To find out more about the different ways of searching for portal resources, use the commandwsadmin>Content.find("any", "un", "ibm.portal.Home.Getting Started") 'Z6_CGAH47L00OJCC0I6U1NESJ2GK0'
that the Portal Scripting Interface provides for each command. For an example, see the section about Getting help for a command. - Finding out information about a portal page:
To display some standard information about a portal resource, use the details() command. You need to specify for which resource you want more detailed information. The following example can be the portal page Getting Started:
wsadmin>Content.find("page", "un", "ibm.portal.Home.Getting Started", "select") 'Z6_CGAH47L00OJCC0I6U1NESJ2GK0' wsadmin>Content.details()
This returns the following response:
wsadmin>Content.find("page", "un", "ibm.portal.Home.Getting Started", "select") 'Z6_CGAH47L00OJCC0I6U1NESJ2GK0' wsadmin>Content.details() name: ibm.portal.Home.Getting_Started id :Z6_CGAH47L00OJCC0I6U1NESJ2GK0 type: staticpage no children
To find information about a portal resource, you need to specify the resource. If you do not specify the resource, for example, by entering only
, you get a response such as the following one:WASX7015E: Exception running command: "Content.details()"; exception information: exception from Jython: Traceback (innermost last): File "<input>", line 1, in ? EJPXD0020W: No object has been selected.
Here are some more examples for requesting information about a portal page:
wsadmin>Content.get("type") 'staticpage' wsadmin>Content.get("uniquename") 'ibm.portal.Home.Getting Started' wsadmin>Content.get("allportlets") 'true' wsadmin>Content.nlsget("title", "en") 'Getting Started' wsadmin>Content.parmget("") 'Yes'
The following example shows the hierarchy of a page:
wsadmin>Content.path()'Z6_000000000000000000000000A0 Z6_CGAH47L00GS790I6U1M1F020A3 Z6_CGAH47L00OJCC0I6U1NESJ2GK0'
This command returns a 'list' of object IDs of the nodes from the root node to your currently selected node. As you can see, it is not a 'true' list in the Jython sense, it is rather a string with entries separated by blanks. To get a list that is better readable, the command split() as shown in the following example:
wsadmin>for id in Content.path().split(): wsadmin> Content.get(id, "un") wsadmin> 'wps.content.root' 'ibm.portal.Home' 'ibm.portal.Home.Getting Started'
With this simple loop you can print out the whole hierarchy of nodes up to our currently selected 'Getting Started' page.
- Creating a page:
- To create a page as a child page to the currently selected page, use the following command:
This command creates a page for HTML markup and returns its portal object ID. You can now start adding attributes or metadata to the page.wsadmin>Content.create("page", "Title of my first page", "html", "select")' Z6_CGAH47L0082M00I6T9E0NL3001'
- Adding a portlet to a page:
- To add a portlet to the page that you created previously, use a the following command, for
This adds the Information portlet to the page and places it in a horizontal container.wsadmin> myportlet = Portlet.find("portlet", "un", "wps.p.Information") wsadmin> Layout.create("container", "horizontal", "select")' Z7_CGAH47L008C970I6NA7U4300G2' wsadmin> Layout.create("portlet", myportlet)' Z7_CGAH47L008C970I6NA7U4300G1'