REST: Attachments | HCL Digital Experience
You can use the REST service to attach images to some item types. This is equivalent to using the Insert An Image icon in the authoring portlet.
Attachments can be added
to the following item types:
- Presentation templates
- Rich text components
- HTML components
Note: You must create the item and add a rich text or HTML element before you create
the attachment.
/ITEM-TYPE/ITEM-UUID/attachments Content-Type: image/*
When you create an attachment, the binary data, but not encoding, of an image is sent to
the attachments collection of an item. The Content-Type header field is set to the
appropriate image type. For example: image/jpg,
HTTP/1.1 POST http://host:port/wps/mycontenthandler/wcmrest/LibraryHTMLComponent/ITEM-UUID/attachments Content-Type: image/jpg (… binary data … ) 201 Created
Not supported.Updating
Not supported.Deleting
An attachment cannot be directly referenced through the REST service, which means it cannot be directly deleted. However, it can be deleted indirectly by running an update operation on the parent item.For example, this is some markup that is
stored in an HTML
<h1> Example Delete </h1> <img src='/wps/wcm/myconnect/65132264-fd8b-461c-b6ec-ccdd22524ea6/image.jpg?MOD=AJPERES' alt='' title='' border='0' />
remove the image, you would make the following update
HTTP/1.1 PUT http://host:port/wps/mycontenthandler/wcmrest/LibraryHTMLComponent/ITEM-UUID/ Content-Type: text/html <h1> Example Delete </h1> 200 OK