Create additional advanced rules | HCL Digital Experience
For each customer type specified by a profile, add to the business rule (the profiler) by selecting actions to build the syntax of the rule.
Before you begin
- Within the Pers Offers folder, select
- Type Show Platinum Offer in the New Rule field.
- Select Select Action from the Rule Type drop-down list.
- Edit the rule so that its Customertype is Platnum and click Save.
- In the Pers Offers folder, create another rule called Show Titanium Offers. Select Pzn offers whose Customertype is titanium.
- Within the same folder, select
- Type Show Offers by Customer Type in the New Rule field.
- Select Binding from the Rule Type drop-down list.
- Click .
- Expand the Pers Offers folder, select Pers Offers User Profiler and click OK.
- Click Profile and select Gold from the drop-down list.
- Click .
- Select Show Gold Offers and click OK.
Tip: To find Show Gold Offers, you may reorder the columns to make navigation easier or page through the list of rules.
- Click Profile and choose Platinum. Complete the fields as follows: