Setting parameters to format dates | HCL Digital Experience
These parameters are used to set the format of dates.
Symbol | Meaning | Presentation | Example |
G |
era designator | (Text) | AD |
y |
year | (Number) | 1996 |
M |
month in year | (Text and Number) | July and 07 |
d |
day in month | (Number) | 10 |
h |
hour in am/pm (1-12) | (Number) | 12 |
H |
hour in day (0-23) | (Number) | 0 |
m |
minute in hour | (Number) | 30 |
s |
second in minute | (Number) | 55 |
S |
millisecond | (Number) | 978 |
E |
day in week | (Text) | Tuesday |
D |
day in year | (Number) | 189 |
F |
day of week in month | (Number) | 2 (2nd Wed in July) |
w |
week in year | (Number) | 27 |
W |
week in month | (Number) | 2 |
a |
am/pm marker | (Text) | PM |
k |
hour in day (1-24) | (Number) | 24 |
K |
hour in am/pm (0-11) | (Number) | 0 |
z |
time zone | (Text) | Pacific Standard Time |
' |
escape for text | (Delimiter) | |
'' |
single quotation mark | (Literal) |
The number of letters determines format:
- Text
- Four or more pattern letters, use full form.
- Less than four, use short or abbreviated form if one exists.
- Example: Day/Month/Year
- d,M,y = 3,3,3.
- dd,MM,yy = 03,03,03.
- dd,MMM,yy = 03,Mar,03.
- dd,MMMM,yyyy = 03,March,2003.
Lowercase and uppercase:
- The case of letters that are used in date and time code is not consistent. For example, "M" for month but "d" for day and "y" for year.
- Uppercase and lowercase letters can mean different things. For example, "s" for second and "S" for millisecond.
Incorrect format:
If a date or time code is entered incorrectly, nothing is returned.
Other characters:
Any characters in the pattern that are not in the ranges of ['a'..'z'] and ['A'..'Z'] is treated as quoted text. For example, characters like ':', '.', ' ', '#' and '@' appear in the resulting time text even if they are not embraced within single quotation marks.
Examples Using the US locale:
Format Pattern | Result |
"yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' hh:mm:ss
z" |
1996.07.10 AD at 15:08:56 PDT |
"EEE, MMM d, ''yy" |
Wed, July 10, '96 |
"h:mm a" |
12:08 PM |
"hh 'o''clock' a, zzzz" |
12 o'clock PM, Pacific Standard Time |
"K:mm a, z" |
0:00 PM, PST |
"yyyyy.MMMMM.dd GGG hh:mm
aaa" |
1996.July.10 AD 12:08 PM |