Performing a manual in-place migration | HCL Digital Experience
If you proceed with this method of migration for Portal Version on WebSphere® Application Server Version, be aware that you cannot use the WebSphere® remote migration tool because the WebSphere® version of the source and target environments are the same. This migration is an in-place migration, and the source environment will no longer be available after the migration is complete.
About this task
If you are performing an in-place update of a stand-alone server, complete steps 1 - 10. Then, continue with the upgradeConfigEngine step of the Migrate a Stand-alone Server option in the Configuration Wizard as it is detailed in steps 11 - 16.
If you are performing an in-place update of a cluster, the deployment manager should already have the WebSphere® Application Server Version installed. Therefore, you do not need to complete the Migrate a Cluster Step 1: Migrate the Deployment Manager Profile option in the Configuration Wizard. You can also skip Migrate a Cluster Step 2: Migrate Node Profiles option, but you must complete the following steps 1 - 9 on all nodes. Then, you must complete Migrate a Cluster Step 3: Upgrade Node Profiles on all nodes as detailed in steps 11 - 16.
- Back up your databases.
- Clear out the temp and wstemp paths in wp_profile_root. If you do not complete this step, it can create long path names that prevent the restoreProfile task from working successfully.
- Back up the wp_profile_root using
manageprofiles -backupProfile
from AppServer/bin.For example:./ -backupProfile -profileName wp_profile -backupFile /tmp/wp_profile_bak
. - Uninstall HCL Portal Version 8 using the IBM® Installation Manager. Do not uninstall WebSphere® Application Server 8.5.5.
- Delete the following files from the WebSphere® Application Server AppServer path:
- lib/ext/commons-codec-1.3.jar
- lib/ext/commons-httpclient-3.0.1.jar
- lib/ext/openid4java-full-0.9.5.jar
- lib/ext/wp.auth.base.sua_RedirectServletFilter.jar
- lib/ext/wp.auth.base.sua_loginmodule.jar
- lib/ext/wp.auth.tai.jar
- lib/wp.user.connections.jar
- lib/wp.wire.jar
- plugins/
- plugins/
- plugins/wp.ext.jar
- properties/
- Ensure that the wp_profile and cw_profile are cleaned up and the paths are deleted.
- Install only the Portal 8.5 binary. Do not create a Portal profile.
- Test connecting to the Configuration Wizard in a browser. http://your_server:10200/hcl/wizard
Note: If working with HCL Digital Experience 8.5 or 9 software level prior to CF18, the wizard address will be: http://your_server:10200/ibm/wizard. After installing CF18, the configuration wizard will automatically be adjusted to http://your_server:10200/hcl/wizard.
- Restore the wp_profile_root using
manageprofiles restoreConfig
from AppServer/bin.For example,./ -restoreProfile -backupFile /tmp/wp_profile_bak
.Note: The wp_profile_root is restored to the original path. - If you are migrating a cluster, copy the in
the PortalServerRoot/filesForDmgr path
on your target primary node server to the existing WebSphere® Application Server deployment
manager. Then, extract the files in the AppServer path.
Note: This task is essential to update the deployment manager to user the portal 8.5 plug-ins. Complete this step once. Do not repeat this step on all nodes.
Complete the remaining steps for using the Configuration Wizard:
- Access the Configuration Wizard. http://your_server:10200/hcl/wizard.
Note: If working with HCL Digital Experience 8.5 or 9 software level prior to CF18, the wizard address will be: http://your_server:10200/ibm/wizard. After installing CF18, the configuration wizard will automatically be adjusted to http://your_server:10200/hcl/wizard.
- Click or .
- Select Same server when you answer questions about your system.
- Enter your properties with the correct values.
- Mark all steps complete before Upgrade the ConfigEngine.
- Start your configuration with the Upgrade the ConfigEngine step.