Solaris: Creating a response file | HCL Digital Experience
After IBM Installation Manager is installed, you can use it to record a response file that is based on your environment. Record a response file on the same operating system you plan for the installation. If you have multiple operating systems, you must record a response file for each operating system. Use a response file to automate your installation on multiple servers.
About this task
You can also use the console mode to generate a response file. Go to Installing with the console for a Solaris environment for more information. After you review the summary information, enter G to generate a response file instead of I to install.
Start all servers and applications that require a port number to avoid port
conflicts when you install HCL Digital Experience. If you are
installing multiple copies of HCL Digital Experience on your
server, start the existing Configuration Wizard servers.
Note: Currently, the cw_profile starting point always defaults to 10200. If you install a second version of portal on the same server, you must customize the cw_profile port value. Add the following line to the InstallationManager_root/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools/imcl.ini file:
- Go to the InstallationManager_root/eclipse directory.
Run the following task to start the recording:
./IBMIM -record pathtoresponsexmlfile -skipInstall tempinstalldirectory
- -record
- This parameter indicates recording the actions and parameters into the response file. The pathtoresponsexmlfile text is the name of the response file, for example Wp8SampleResp.xml. The tempinstalldirectory text is the directory where the response file is recorded.
- -skipInstall
- This parameter indicates that no actual installation is completed even though it leads to the final pane.
- tempinstalldirectory
- This value is a directory where the installation saves the history and data when you record the response files.
Complete the following steps to add the repositories where the installation media exists:
- Open the IBM® Installation Manager and go to .
- Select Add Repositories.
- Select Browse and go to the Portal-install-eimage/Setup/repository.config file and then click OK.
- Ensure that all required repositories are checked. Then, click Test Connections to ensure that the IBM® Installation Manager can successfully access the directory where the service repositories are stored.
- Select Apply.
- Select OK.
- On the main IBM® Installation Manager panel, select Install.
- Optional: If you are installing
Portal to an existing copy of WebSphere® Application Server, then select only IBM
WebSphere Portal Server on the Install Packages screen.
To complete this installation option, your existing copy of WebSphere® Application Server must meet the
following requirements:
- WebSphere Application Server Version or later
- Java Version 7.0
- No existing Portal profile
Skip the following step, if you choose to install to an existing copy of WebSphere® Application Server.
- On Install Packages: Select packages
to install, select the following packages, and then click Next:
- IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment
- HCL Portal server
- IBM WebSphere SDK Java Technology EditionNote: For new installations, you must have SDK Java version 7.0.Note: The IBM WebSphere SDK Java Technology Edition option is required for a HCL Portal installation even though it might be marked as "Optional" on the Select packages to install screen.
Tip: If you have a HCL Portal Enable license, you must select both the HCL Portal serverHCL Portal Express and HCL Portal Enable packages. - On Install Packages: Select the fixes to install screen, select any required fixes. Then, click Next.
- Accept the license agreement and then click Next.
- Enter the directory where you want to store shared resources and then click Next.
- Complete the following steps on the Install
Packages: Installation Directory panel:Remember: The installation directory that you specify must NOT contain any files or the following characters: ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) + { } | < > ? ` = [ ] ; ' , . " and spaces.
- Select the WebSphere® Application Server Package Group Name and then enter the installation directory path.
- Select the HCL Portal Package Group Name and then enter the installation directory path.
- Click Next.
- Select the translations to install and then click Next.
- Optional: If you chose to
install Portal to an existing copy of WebSphere® Application Server, select the available
copy of WebSphere® Application Server, and
click Next.Note: Skip this step, if you are not installing Portal to an existing copy of WebSphere® Application Server.
- On Install Packages: Select the
features to install, expand the WebSphere® Application Server and HCL Portal packages to modify
the features you want to install and then click Next.
Note: Ensure that Portal Server Profile is selected to create a profile that contains the Portal application server and the product binary files. Clear this option if you need a binary only installation for migration or your clustered environment.Note: As you select the items, read the Details section for information.
- On Profile configuration details, enter the user ID and password for the configuration wizard administrator. Then, click Next.
- If you selected the Portal Server
Profile package, click Enter the Administrator
user ID and password for the Portal Server. Then, select either the Standard or Advanced configuration
mode and then enter the parameter details for the selected configuration
mode.Note: Select Advanced if you want to specify Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) information that is specific to your company.
- Confirm the Summary information and then click Install.
- After the Installation Manager finishes creating the response file, click Finish and then close the Installation Manager to complete the response file recording.
- If you plan to install on a different server, copy the response file to the response file directory on that server. Open the response file, make any necessary changes to the repository location. Search for value= and make any necessary changes for the new server.