Interface Constants

All Known Subinterfaces:
Constants.Clone, Constants.Merge
All Known Implementing Classes:
CannotCloneDocumentModelException, Constants.DeepCopyConstant, Constants.EmptyCopyConstant, Constants.OverwriteConstant, Constants.SmartCopyConstant, InvalidConstantException

public interface Constants

Interface that is the base class for constants and serves as a tagging interface for these constants. The actual constants are singletons in the scope of this interface.


Nested Class Summary
static interface Constants.Clone
          Base interface to flag a constant that relates to state-cloning
static class Constants.DeepCopyConstant
          Implementation of the constant DEEP_COPY
static class Constants.EmptyCopyConstant
          Implementation of the constant EMPTY_COPY
static interface Constants.Merge
          Base interface to flag a constant that relates to state-merging
static class Constants.OverwriteConstant
          Implementation of the constant OVERWRITE.
static class Constants.SmartCopyConstant
          Implementation of the constant SMART_COPY
Field Summary
static Constants.Clone DEEP_COPY
          The clone operation will copy each node and the complete hierarchy explicitly
static Constants.Clone EMPTY_COPY
          The clone operation will return empty state
static Constants.Merge OVERWRITE
          The merge operation will overwrite existing nodes in the target document.
static Constants.Clone SMART_COPY
          The clone operation will return a facade that only records state modification

Field Detail


static final Constants.Clone DEEP_COPY
The clone operation will copy each node and the complete hierarchy explicitly


static final Constants.Clone EMPTY_COPY
The clone operation will return empty state


static final Constants.Clone SMART_COPY
The clone operation will return a facade that only records state modification


static final Constants.Merge OVERWRITE
The merge operation will overwrite existing nodes in the target document.